Chapter 3: Pretty Zaterran

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Reptile headed towards the figure. He stopped and looked up. His eyes widened, she was beautiful. There was a albino Zaterran with armor as skin. Armor was all over her body even her tail. She opened her eyes, which she had one blue eye and one red eye. She looked at Reptile and hissed. It was the same hiss as that one night. She even had the same smell. Her tongue was blue, which means she is poisonous. "Who are you?" She asked. "I am Reptile. You attacked me one night." He said. "Oh, you. Are you a spy?" She asked. "No he isn't. He is a new member of the tribe. He is good." Said Red as he walks towards them. "Ok." Yuki said. She got off the branch and walked away. "Don't worry Reptile, she will get use to you. She is really fun and nice. She just has a hard time getting to know others that's all." "Alright." Said Reptile. Later that day everyone was having a meal. It was rats, insects, and many more meat. Reptile sat next to Red while Yuki sits next to Red as well. "So Yuki how do you like our new member?" Asked a tribe member. Yuki didn't answer. The member kept eating. Reptile was looking at her but was caught by her. She looks at him. After dinner, Yuki was heading outside. While she was on her way out she sees Red and Reptile talking. She looks away and continued walking but Reptile caught up to her. "Lool Yuki, I know that you don't like me but I wanna be your friend. I want to know more about you." He said. Yuki looks at him and said " Alright, but if you hurt me in any way. You will be called one-nut Reptile. You got that?" Reptile nodded. They walked together and chatted. A few days have passed and Reptile and Yuki became close friends. They would chat, climb trees and goofed around. Yuki began to trust him. They talked about their past. "So you had two masters who promised to bring your race back even though one of them is the one who killed them all. And you joined the good side because of that.?" Yuki asked. "Yesss" replied Reptile. "Why can't you trust any one and couldn't trust me at first?" He asked. He asked about how they claimed the building. She answered to both questions. "Because of Kraken. He was our creator 's favorite creation. Kraken wanted me to be his mate but I didn't want to. So he uhh raped me. Red found out because I told him and he attacked Kraken. He ripped off one of his balls. I was scared. But the creator was going to kill Red and me but I snaped and attacked back he took his army and Kraken with him and the tribe claimed the building as out home." Yuki said as she looks down. Reptile looked sad. He felt bad asking. He walked her to her room. She hugged him and went to bed. He went to his room and slept.

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