Chapter 6 ~

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Chapter 6 ~

Danny's POV ~

I yawn into the soft pillow as I wake. I wrap an arm around the pillow whilst with the other hand I brush a hand through the back of my curly, sweaty hair.

I turn around sluggishly onto my back, staring at the ceiling once again. My t-shirt was stuck damply to my skin, making every movement uncomfortable.

Bright sunlight was streaming through my bedroom curtains and was forming spots of light around my room like a million fireflies.

I breathe multiple heavy sighs in, my chest raising and falling roughly as every outbreath was released. This morning's thoughts and feelings coming back strong and detailed, making my head painful and sore as everything came rushing back at an unexpected speed.

But furthermore, my morning's dream didn't help either.

I snuggle into the pillow before pulling the quilt cover up to my neck. I stare up at the ceiling as I run through quickly what happened in that dream.

That dream I had no control of dreaming over or what it was about.....

I wake up groggily in the darkness of my silent room. I turn around slowly before sluggishly looking at the alarm clock beside me. Two forty-five the clock read.

I didn't want to get out of the warm, comfy bed but the persistent need to urinate forced me to move.

I slid to the edge of the bed, silently, in the darkness of my silent room. As I slid to the exact edge, I felt two hands holding softly onto the sides of my hips.

"Where are you going?" Ryan mumbled sleepily, snuggling his head into my back.

I pull Ryan's hands around my waist before rubbing his hands softly. "I'm just taking a piss." I whispered.

As Ryan doesn't answer I wonder if he's gone to sleep again but before I can ask or get out of bed, Ryan murmured, "Hurry back, beautiful."

I flustered in colour before whispering, "I will, Ryan.".

I turned around quickly before pressing a kiss against Ryan's temple softly.

Ryan sighs softly whilst closing his eyes slowly. Ryan stuffs his face into my back before murmuring, "I love you, Danny."

I bit my lip to supress a giggle before whispering "I love ya too, Ryan." I squeeze Ryan's hand gently before circling my thumb around Ryan's knuckle.

I run a hand through Ryan's beautiful, silky hair before getting out of my bed and leaving my gorgeous boyfriend to sleep peacefully.

I sigh to myself love-struck, as I think of the beautiful dream I had this morning. It was so beautiful that it had left me in a cold sweat.

I wish every night and morning could of been like that with a perfect dream.... A dream that I longed for more. The dream wasn't realistic in real life but in my dream, it felt perfect and right. It felt like it should of been.

His words were scarred into my mind, I didn't want them to leave either. They were fake but I didn't really care. They stopped me feeling ill over and over. I could feel Ryan's soft skin on my lips, his perfect skin that has never come into contact in reality. But even so, I doubted his skin would feel any different. When his hands held my waist, they felt real.. Solid. I could feel the tingling on my waist as if he had held me there, touched me there, caressed me... No matter how you rephrased it, it felt right either way.

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