Chapter 19 ~

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Chapter 19 ~

Danny's POV ~

I lean my back into my car seat and look sidewards to the empty seat in my car, where Ryan should of been sitting next to me, before turning my attention back to the Emmerdale studios looming in front of me, I have only been sitting in my car minutes but it honestly felt like hours. Ryan and I have work soon, well, me and him should of started already, but I really didn't want to go in without him.

A few days had past since Ryan had told me everything what had been happening with his wife and him, and in the last few days, I had been supporting him through everything, his sadness, his anger, and no matter what it was, I was there by his side, supporting him and loving him, and in the last few days I had been questioning myself, and my intentions, and I knew it wasn't the only time, I had mentioned about loving him to myself or in my own thoughts many times. I was confident and sure of myself to know this was more than affection and liking when it came to Ryan.

But going back to today's events, Ryan was currently at his house, stuffing most of his belongings into as many bags as possible. Ryan was going to be living at my house for as long as he wanted to and I couldn't help be ecstatic by that fact. I loved having Ryan over and I personally wanted him to live with me forever, if I could ask him to move in with me, I definitely would of but I knew he couldn't though, I couldn't ask him to make a big decision like that, especially since we've only been having an affair for not very long, but sometimes though, I have to question myself yet again and wonder, really, if this is an affair or not, to me it didn't really seem like one. I sometimes need to remind myself not to get too attached to the older man, I just couldn't help it though, I was falling headlessly for Ryan and I didn't want to stop it, I knew I had to, but I just couldn't and sometimes I don't really know what I'd do without him. "Bring as much as ya want, Ryan, I really don't mind and anyway, when we get back to mine, I'll sort out a drawer or two for as much space as ya need, plus saying that, I have another wardrobe in my spare room, you could put everything you have in there if ya want."

"Thank you Danny, I can't tell you how much I appreciate everything you're doing for me," Ryan's smooth, deep voice sounded through the speaker of my phone, and a smile laces onto my lips, sometimes I honestly can't believe how deep Ryan's voice is, his voice honestly sounded like heaven to me, "and I probably won't bring everything, I have too much, actually saying that, I'm a bit of a hoarder."

"Oh no," I rub an exaggerated hand across my forehead, "What have I let myself into?"

Ryan scoffs lightly down the phone,before continuing with, "I even just found a collection of bottle caps, God knows why I've stuck them in this drawer. Oh, and before you say anything, I am a clean person, I do clean up regularly. Honest."

I chuckle softly, playing with the seatbelt that was still around my waist, "I'm gonna have to take your word on that aren't I, and saying that, I'm not that tidy either, we'll just have to make sure we're not living under takeaway boxes by the end of the week."

"You know, you're going to have to let me cook for you sometimes," Ryan smiles down the phone and even though I couldn't see him, I could hear it in his voice as he continues with, "Do you like Japanese food?"

"Oh that's right, I forgot ya used to be a chef," I continue seconds afterwards, my voice turning into a whisper, I really couldn't risk anybody hearing me, especially since anybody walking pass my car could of been listening in, "I bet ya looked so hot as chef, all that steam blowing in ya face... Oh, and that damp hair." I look through each of my car windows to make sure nobody was around before wolf whistling down the phone.

"Oh, stop it!" Ryan whispers embarrassed, and a few following seconds afterwards I hear a crash somewhere close by, "See what you're making me do, I'm dropping things, and you know what, it's lucky that wasn't my vase in that box!"

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