first kiss

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goku~         today you went shopping after goku got over what sickness he had. and since he was still asleep you went out shopping and toom gohan with you since he begged you to him with you. right now your going through isle's  in the food section. "we need this mommy!." gohan said calling you his mommy. you smiled at the thought. you grabbed the box of cereal and put it in the cart. when you were done you paid for it and gohan helped you put the bags in the car. you got rid of the cart and got in the car with gohan squealing from excitement. you grinned and turned on the car and drove away from the parking lot. you drove home and got and gohan helped again such a sweetheart when you got inside you got attacked by goku. you yelped when he jumped on you making you fall. you looked up at goku who was smiling. "i missed you y/n." he said. before you could speak his lips were on yours your eyes widened from shock but slowly kissed back. he pulled away and grinned before getting up and helping you up before gohan came back in the room. you shyly smiled back at goku while before going to put the groceries in the kitchen. meanwhile goku followed you. "will you be mine y/n?." he asked which caught you off guard since you were trying to recover from the kiss. you blushed harder but hugged him tightly. "yes! goku yes!." you said grinning. he hugged you back smiling. "i'm glad your mine now." he said quietly but you could still hear him.

gohan~              since you couldn't see gohan yet today because he was in class today you had to wait until school ended and you were homeschooled. you sighed waiting you played games you did everything you could to make time go faster. until it was 8:00 and he got out of school. he walked home not realizing you were in his room laying on his bed naping. he sighed and put his books down and turned on the light and started doing homework. after that he turned off the light and went into the bathroom. he brushed his teeth and put on his pj's he came out and yawned going his bed. he moved the covers revealing you asleep. he squealed startled until he calmed down quickly to not wake you. he got in smiling at you as he rubbed your cheek watching you sleep in peace. your eyes flutter open and smile when you saw gohan smiling back at you. you quickly lean in and kiss him on the lips. his eyes widen until he calmed down and put his hand on the back of your head. you pulled away slowly and smiled bigger. "i love you y/n. please be mine." he said rubbing your head. you nodded quickly grinning from ear to ear. "yes!!!." you squealed and kissed his cheek. he smiled pulling you closer and snuggled you falling asleep quickly. you sighed in comfort as you fell asleep with him.

trunks~            you were at capsule corp waiting for trunks to come back from the gravity chamber with his father. as you waited you heard giant bangs and giggling from trunks and more banging. until they finally came in and vegeta looked beat up while trunks had only one scratch on him. he chuckled as vegeta went to the other room. "hey! y/n." he said jumping on the couch cushion next to yours. "hi trunks!." you said before he hugged you. you giggled and hugged back. you got suspiscous when he didn't let you go. "t_trunks!?." you said loudly when you felt him kiss your neck. he pulled away and kissed you causing you to yelp in shock. he stopped kissing you looking a little upset you didn't kiss back. "i_i'm sorry trunks. y_you just shocked me that's all." you told him making him feel better as you kised his cheek. "be mine?." he asked and you nodded kissing him again. "awwww'e!. my little baby had his first kiss!." bulma's voice said loudly making you two pull away startled. trunks smiled at you blushing and you cuddled him making bulma awwwe even more.

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