first fight

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goku~               You knew full well that goku was going training today with gohan,  and he told you to not come because this was going to be too dangerous for you.    But because of you being too worried about him, you decided to follow him which was a bad mistake.      Once you were there you hid in a bush somewhere and stayed there watching them.     First they started out talking then they stretched.       "Remember gohan,  don't go easy on me."     "I won't dad!."  Gohan said with a smile before putting on his serious face.     Then they started training,  you couldn't believe how fast they were going and how loud they were either.    They made birds fly away from far away,  like really far away.     You continued to watch them,  until a ki blast was heading straight at you.    You gasped and dodged it as fast as you could and let out a high pitched squeal.    They both stopped and looked over at the bush you were hiding in and came closer to it slowly.     Goku motioned for gohan to stay back as he got closer to the bush.      Goku moved the bushes seeing you lying there with a scared look,    you whimpered when he got a mad expression and picked you up.    "Gohan stay here i'll be back."   Gohan nodded and sat down while goku instant transmissioned back to the house.     (i hope that's what it's called XDDD)          when goku got there he layed you down on the couch and stared at you.    "I_i'm sorry."      You apologized,  but goku only sighed.        "I told you to stay here......But you ignored me like you do on everything else."      Goku said making your eyes widen.   "What do you mean  "on everything else"!?       i stayed here when you fought vegeta!   i also took care of gohan while you were away when you asked me too!."       You said loudly clearly upset.     "Just_.............Stop ignoring me on things like this!.  are you really that stupid to ignore me and risk getting yourself killed!?."   Goku shouted,    and you gasped as tears welled up your eyes.      Goku looked at you instantly regretting what he said and went to hug you,   but you backed up and ran to yours and his room and locked the door.     Goku sighed and left to go get gohan.    training was off that night,    because they were trying to make you feel better and come out.

gohan~          Today gohan was going to go to the park with you,    and walk around play talk and feed ducks.      But you had to wait for him to get home from school,   which took forever!!.    But you waited,   and while you waited you fell asleep in the process.    You were asleep on his bed and sleeping peacfully with a smile on your face.     And time went by faster,   and before you knew it gohan was home.     Gohan was smiling too and he closed the door then dashed upstairs to see you in his room sleeping.    Gohan's smile got bigger and he gently shook you awake.     "Y/n,   get up honey we're going to the park."    He said softly in your ear,    You woke up and yawned then grinned at him after he gave you a kiss.    "C'mon we're going to the park hurry up and get your stuff ready!."   He said all excited and ran off getting his stuff.    You smiled at how childish he can be.      *time skip ~ brought to you by gohan's adorableness*             Meanwhile at the park,   you and gohan were holding hands as people went by awwing at you two.     Then you two found a bench and sat down next to someone who you thought looked very familiar.    But you shook it off and went back to talking and laughing with your loving boyfriend.    But it didn't last long because videl was right next to gohan,   and she tapped on his shoulder to take his attention off of you on purpose.    You got upset and glared at her.    "Oh hey videl i didn't know you came here!."   Gohan said happily rubbing the back of his head like goku does.    "Yeah  i didn't know you came here either with your.......Girlfriend."    She paused glaring at you then went back to smiling at gohan.    "So....Would you like to have breakfest with me,   you know.  When you have time."   Videl said smirking at you and you crossed your arms in anger.    But you were shocked at what you heard next.    "Of course!.   I'm free tomorrow!!."   Gohan beamed happily grinning like a fool,   it made your eyes water so you got and ran off back home.     However gohan didn't notice you leaving because he was still talking with videl.       So now your back home and you close the door with tear stains all over your face.    You slowly walked back upstairs and fell on gohan's bed,    you looked up and saw the picture of you with together forever on it and you took it and threw it at the wall cracking it slightly before slowly falling asleep after crying really hard.     While you were asleep gohan came in and was looking for you with a sad look on his face.    "Y/n?."    He said quietly trying to find you,   until he went upstairs and found you asleep on his bed.    He smiled a little but it quickly faded when he saw the picture on the floor cracked.     He crouched down and picked it up sadly touching the crack the crack on it,  before turning around when you woke up.    "Gohan....Go away."     You said very upset.     "Y/n i know why your upset and i'm very sorry.  But videl and me are nothing more then friends i promise you."  Gohan told you,   and you sat up glaring at him.    "Really?.   Because from what i saw you were to interested in her to even notice me running away!!."   You shouted making him flinch a little.    "Y/n why are you making this out to be a big deal!.    i knew you ran away i went to run for you but a guy ran into me knocking me over!!."   He shouted back,   but unfortunately you didn't believe his little story.    "Gohan..........You didn't notice me because you were having too much of a good time,  with that so called  "friend".......And gohan maybe you forgot,  but tomorrow was the day of our aniversary!."   You said with tears flowing down your face as you ran into the bathroom and locked youself in there,   ignoring everything gohan said to try to get you to come out.    

(well that was mean....apologize you guys.)    

gohan:   i_i'm very very sorry

goku:   i'm really sorry...PLEASE FORGIVE ME!

(that's better...but it's really up to them to decide if they forgive you or not)

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