Chapter 3

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|Harry's POV|

Did she actually get me to stop? She did. She got me to stop bullying her. How? Is it because she is beautiful, and I love her? Shit. How did she find out? Wait... she probably didn't. Good. Wait, no bad. Maybe? Ugh. But, we are going to have fun today. Or at least I am... (Evil laugh)

I'm currently walking out of the school, with a smile on my face. I walked over to her.

"Shall we?" I asked, holding out my arm.

"We shall." She agreed.

I walked her over to my car, and I was all nice to her. I have to admit, I do love her. But, I bully her because of my problems I have at home. I don't like to talk about it. I took her to the park, and I layed out a blanket on the grass. I got the picnic basket, and I sat it on the blanket.

"Let's eat!" I yelped.

"Okay." She mumbled.

After about an hour or so, I drove her home. It was raining, and she got out of the car. She stepped into a puddle. Haha.

"Bye Harry." She smiled.

"Bye." I mumbled.

As I drove off, my tire went into a puddle, and drenched her. HAHAHAHA!! She looked pissed. Too bad.

|Payton's POV|

I had fun this afternoon, untill I got home. I was drenched in water. I walked into my house. I closed the door, turned around, and he was right there. I tried to run, but I felt a sharp pain on my cheek. I looked up to see my father. He wasn't drunk, as you would've thought.

"Hi bitch." He yelped.

I ran upstairs, but didn't get far, untill he grabbed my foot, and I hit my chin on the stairs. It was bleeding, and my dad was currently punching my back.

"OWW!" I cried out in pain.

"Whatcha doing coming home late bitch?!" He snaped.

"I-I'm sorry!" I yelped, out in pain.

"You little c*nt!" He yelled, slapping my face once again.

I ran upstairs, making it, slamed my door, and locked it. I cried. Hard.

I walked to my bathroom. I looked in my mirror, at my wrist, and began to cut. I started out light, then it got deeper. I stopped the blood from running out anymore, and took a shower. I walked out, and got on some pajama's.

I started to do my homework, when I heard something being thrown at my window. I walked over, and saw someone I would never have expected. Niall. I opened my window, and stared at him.

"What are you doing here?" I whisper/yelled, loud enough for him to hear me.

"I'm sorry Payton!" He said.

"For what?" I asked.

"For-For hurting you all of these years!"

"Your lying to me, just like Harry did!"I yelped.

"No. I promise." He reasurred.

"Are you sure?!" I wondered.


"Thank you Niall, but I have trust issues. All because of you boys. I can't trust you yet. I got to go. Goodnight." I stammered, before shutting the window.

I watched as he walked away. I finished my homework, then crawled into bed.

Goodnight world.

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