On Tour

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This is just another filler. This a Steve one.

You began packing up for the Projekt Rev tour with the band. Your dad smiled and said his goodbyes. You had to go into your bathroom and get your toothbrush and hair things. While you did so, Steve looked in your bag. He then saw a rectangular box that had "Tro-" on it. He couldn't see the rest.

He looked closer and saw they were condoms. His jaw dropped to the floor and he backed away quickly. You came back in the room and put your items in the bag. You said your goodbyes to your dad and walked outside. You called a cab then left to Gerard's house.

Steve ran to Tony and looked at him dead in the eye. "(Y/n) had condoms in her bag!" Steve said. Tony looked at him with a quirked brow. "So?" Tony questions. "Steve, she's 16." Tony said. Steve looked at Tony. "But! But she's still a little girl!" Steve said.

"No Steve, she is a teenager. She is a little girl in your mind." Tony said. Tony patted Steve on the shoulder and left the room.

You were on the tour bus with Gerard. He was looking at a comic book but set it down. He turned to you and smiled. "Hey." He said, tucking a piece of hair behind your ear. You smiled at him. "Hey." You replied, tracing invisible designs on his arm. He kissed your forehead and hugged you close to him.

Time flew by fast on the tour. It was the last show. Gerard finished up going to third base and then You Know What They Do To Guys Like Us In Prison began to play. Gerard began to tell all the boys to take their shirt off. Frank and Ray took theirs off. "Before we delve I'm, Gerard you talk a lot about boys taking their shirt off... Why don't you?" You said. The fangirls went insane.

Gerard blushed and you smirked. "You need help?" You said. People began to squeal. You walked over to Gerard. You took off his shirt for him and the girls went insane. You reached in your pocket and pulled out a 5. You put it in Gerard's mouth.

Then you began to sing as Gerard took the dollar out of his mouth. The guys put their shirts back on and you closed up the show. You all went to the tour bus and talked. Everyone went to sleep. You and Gerard were still awake. "You know, that was a pretty daring move (Y/n)." Gerard said in a dangerous growl.

You smirked and looked him dead in the eye. "What you gonna do about it?" You tested. Gerard grabbed you and smashed his lips on yours. You tangled your hands in his black locks and smile against his lips. He sat you on his lap and trailed his lips to your neck. He began biting and sucking, leaving hickeys down your neck making you moan.

You grinded against him, causing him to groan. He carried you to a bunk in the far back of the bus. Once he sat you down, clothes were thrown and names were moaned out.

You woke up due to a gentle touch. You looked back and saw Gerard tracing circles on your bare shoulder. You both smiled and talked a bit. You both eventually got up to get dressed. You had a bit of difficulty walking since Gerard didn't let you off so easy. It wasn't too bad, but if you pay enough attention you will notice it.

You have done things like this with him before. When you both enter the main room of the bus, the guys looked worn out. "You guys look rough." Gerard said. You nodded in agreement. "You two are loud as fuck." Frank said. You and Gerard blushed hard. "Like legit and we heard were moans and how big Gerard is and how tight (Y/n) is."

You and Gerard began to scratch your necks and bite your lips. Mikey shivered. You all joked around for the rest of the time and then you got back home. Gerard decided to spend time with you at the tower.

You went inside and said hi to everyone. Gerard and you left to your room. You shut the door and locked it. Gerard smirked and pulled you close to him. He began kissing down your neck once more but a knock interrupted you two. You sighed and open the door. Your dad was at the door. You smiled and hugged him. "Hey dad!" You said.

"Hey sweetie!" He said. When you pulled away, Steve saw Gerard. He frowned and said hi. Gerard said hi back and sat on your bed with tightly crossed legs. Steve then shut the door. "We need to talk, all three of us." Steve said. You nodded.

"So... Have you two... Fondue?" Steve said. Your face turned cherry red and Gerard was confused. You look at Gerard and whispered what it meant to him. Gerard blushed like you did. "Y-yes sir. We h-have." Gerard said. Steve sighed in frustration. "Why?" He asked you in a whiney voice. "Because... Because we're old enough! Trust me, he is special. I wouldn't have if I didn't love him!" You said sitting next to Gerard.

You ran a hand through Gerard's hair. "I... But..." Steve sighed in defeat. "If he makes you happy then... I guess I understand... Just... Don't make me a grandpa yet...." Steve said. Gerard nodded and was still red. Steve left then Gerard looked at you. "You mean it? Like, you mean you love me?" Gerard said. Even though you two have told each other you love each other, Gerard sometimes needed reassurance. "Of course." You said, running a hand through his hair. He kissed your lips with his hands on your waist.

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