Part 3

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My eyes drift awake and is exposed to the morning sunlight but not through curtains. Katalina stands by my window, opening the curtains letting sunlight flood into my bedroom. I look over at the clock, 7am.

" What the hell? It's 7am. Go back to sleep."

" We have to have breakfast, then your training will begin."

" This early?"

" Yes, this early. I let you sleep in so be grateful."

" Sleep in? It's 7am."

" I normally train at 5:30am so stop complaining and get up."

I let out a groan and pull the cover over my head, shielding myself from the brightness. Katalina grabs the end of the cover and pulls it away, I let out a scream at the cold air hits my exposed body.

" What is wrong with you?"

" You at the moment."

" Go away. Fight your own battle. I want to sleep today."

" We only have 4 days until the battle begins. You are far from ready."

" 4 days!! I will never be ready in time."

" You will if I'm your teacher. Now for the last time, get up or I'll get the water."

I throw my pillow at her and slide out of bed, rubbing the sleepy dust out of my eyes. Katalina is long gone when I turn around, probably making tea or something.

My limp body pulls itself up and I head towards the stairs, gripping tightly on any object to keep myself upwards. I sit down on the top of the stairs and begin to slide myself down, wincing at the painful bruises hitting the carpet. It hurts more to walk than it does to slide. Katalina must have heard me as she is now standing at the bottom of the stairs with a rather confused face on.

" What on earth are you doing?"

" It hurts more to walk. Remember yesterday? The whole you beating the crap out of me. I'm covered in bruises and I think I have a few broken ribs."

" You don't, you'd know if they were broken. They dig into your lungs. You've probably just got a hairline fracture. Don't overreact."

" I'm not overreacting."

" Hurry up, I made breakfast."

" You made breakfast? I don't even have breakfast in the house."

" I went to the shop, now hurry up."

" You said you had no money?"

" I lied to get you to let me inside. Duh."

" Smart."

" I do try. Guess smart runs in my genes because my dad is a scientist."

" Wow that's so cool. Wish my dad was a scientist."

" I know, I'm sorry about your dad."

" I keep forgetting you know everything about me."

" Not everything, just most things."

" That's bad enough Katalina. I don't even remember my birthday, let alone most of my life. I tend to try really hard to forget those memories."

" I'm sorry, I'll try not to mention it again."

" It's okay."

I get to the bottom step and grab a firm grip on the banister, pulling myself up to an upright position. Katalina pulls my arm over her shoulder and carries me to the kitchen. I can smell her sweet vanilla scent. Mental reminder: Steal her perfume.

I sit down and the first thing I see is two plates full to the brim with a English breakfast. A smile fills my face and I quickly sit down, beginning to scoff it down.

" This is so good! Thank you so much."

"It's okay."

" Sit down, eat with me."

She shuffles over towards the chair opposite mine and begins to eat. I could tell that she was trying to be quiet when eating, incase I get upset. This is a whole different personality compared to the rude girl I was met with. I wish that she turned up with this personality instead of offending me, maybe then I would've worked harder and not given her such a hard time.

" We have a lot to do today and I know that you are in a lot of pain. Like I said, we have 4 days."

" I know but I've already told you. Fight your own battles, I'm in agony."

" Too bad. Get back up and fight."

" No, you can't tell me what to do. You can't make me doing anything because it's my choice. My life is my choice."

" Do we really have to have this argument again?"

" Yes we do because..." I was stopped mid sentence as a brick flies through the kitchen window, hitting the front of the oven. We both scream and duck under the table, I quickly glanced over at the oven to see the glass has cracked. Sat there is the brick with paper around it. I quickly get up and run over to the brick to see what it says, my heart is in my throat. I unwrap the paper and look down at it.

We know what you're doing Katalina. We suggest you stop before you make a mess of things. If you do not stop, we will have to take the correct precautions in order to save the lives of many. This is your only warning.

We look at each other in shock, unable to speak. Her face is a clear sign that this wasn't meant to happen. 

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