Me and big brother

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    ( Ryu and kimmy's favorite song . )

     Okay , so me and ryu are gonna go shopping together . That's not weird at all is it? Probably and probably not . " Okay , but at least let me change into something different . I only wore this to look nice , but I'm actually heating up . " I said . So I went to my room , and took my clothes off that left me in my bra and panties . I go for my bag , pick out some a grey mini skirt and my pink tank top . I brush my pink waist length hair , and I let it stay down . I put on my flip-flops , and I go downstairs where I find ryu with mom . Man he must be excited . " You missed her that much . " mom said to ryu . " Yes , she's my sister . I haven't seen her since she was four . " ryu said . " Ryu , you haven't seen me since age three . " I corrected him . 

" Oh whatever , I was one off . " he said . I laughed . I walked to the door , he said bye to mom and once we are outside the house , we walk to the store .

                      * At store *

  " Kimmy! Kimmy! Say cheese! " Ryu told me . I looked at him , he got beside me we both smiled and he took a picture with his camera . Silly ryu .
" Okay stop clowning around ryu , we've got to get stuff . " I said . He smiled and went back to looking at pink swim trunks , god why does he always to get pink? I don't know . I'm looking through the bikini section , I thought why not get a two piece instead of a one piece . Suddenly ryu's phone rang , and then he answered it . I sighed and just shook my head , he always just can't stay on one task .

" Atsushi I can't right now , I'm shopping with someone . " ryu said to the phone . Maybe it's one of his friends? " What no! She's not just some girl I met! She's someone I haven't seen in a really long time! " ryu shouted back at the phone . Oh jeez , can he not blow my cover?
" You'll meet her tommorow , just don't tell the others okay . And I'm not telling you who she is , so just do as I said . " ryu said . I grabbed a few different colored bikinis , and I dragged ryu with me . He had some swim trunks in his hands , plus he's still on the phone .

" Atsushi I've got to go , I'm being dragged to the changing room . I'll see you guys at the train station tommorow . " ryu said . Once we were at the changing rooms , I looked at ryu . " We leave tommorow?! I just got back! " I shrieked at him . " Well , if you would have gotten here earlier then you wouldn't have to leave the next day . " he said . I stuck my tongue out at him , but then he just pushed me into a dressing room and i'm then suddenly alone . Brothers . I changed into the deep blue bikini first , it was a bit tight . I then tried on the green , it was too big . The yellow one was too revealing , and the red one had little hearts on the tops of the top . I tried on a couple of pinks , and they all fit perfectly . Yeah!

Then I saw one last blue one , hmm maybe I should try it . So I try it on , and it fits . Hmm , maybe I'll be getting this one too . Dad did say I always look best in blue , and that's cause I rarely wore blue there . I change back into my clothes , and I grab a basket to hold my bikinis . Ryu came out with his trunks in his hand , he put them in the basket and we went to other sections to other things .

              * At home *

  Me and ryu are home now , and we're definitely ready for tommorow .
We've gotten sunscreen , sunglasses , bathsuits , towels , flip-flops and towels for the bath house . I got some clothes to wear , bathsuit cover up , and sun hat . So I'm pretty much ready to go! Now all I got to do is pack again , aw man 😧 . So I go up upstairs , and before I walk into my room ryu calls my name . " Kimmy . " he called out . " Yeah ryu? " I asked . " You've got to unpack and pack again , you need any help? " he asked . Aw how sweet! But wait! I can't let him see my bra and panties! They're not kid ones , since I've grown up a bit I started to wear lace . " No thanks I'm fine , but thanks for the offer though . " I said .

I then ran quick into my bedroom and slammed the door . Aw jeez . I walk to my bed , put the new stuff I bought to the side and started unpacking my other clothes .

                * 30 minutes later *

   " Done! " I breathed out heavily . There! I've got all my clothes put away! I look at my suitcase , and then to the side of my bed . " Aw man . " I groaned . This is gonna take me all day at this rate! Why does packing have to be so hard? Cruddd! I hate packing! I kicked my foot at my bed like a angry little kid who didn't get candy . But that was a bad idea! My foot hurts now! " Ow! " I groaned . I held my foot up , but that only causes me to loose balance . " Ahhh! " I scream as I hit the carpet floor .

I hit the carpet floor with a muffled thud . " Ow . " I groaned again . Today is just not my day is it? Apparently not . Suddenly my door opens , and there stands ryu . " You okay sis? " he asked . " Yeah , I'm just not loving packing . " I said . He chuckled and helped me up .
" I offered you help . " he said . " I know , and i'm sorry for denying it . So can you please help me? " I asked .
He smiled at me with happiness .
" Sure . " he said . I got an idea , I grabbed my phone and played some music . " What are you doing? " he chucked . " I like to listen to music while I work . " I said with a smile .

So as we packed my suitcase , we sang along to the song . " Maybe it's the way she walked! Wow! " ryu sang as he pretended to play a guitar . I got his phone , set it on video and now were both on video . " I said can you give it back to me , she said" he sang .
" Never in your wildest dreams . " I sang . We both pretended to play guitars as we sang . " And we danced all night to years best song ever! We knew every line , now I can't remember! How it goes but I know that I won't forget her! 'Cause we danced all night to the best song ever! " we sang together . We were just acting goofy as we packed my bag , and we were having so much fun!

We took pictures of each other and with each other on each other phones , we videotaped each other acting silly and goofy , but I just had so much fun! We finished packing my suitcase , we're now on my bed with a ballon filled with helium . Ryu took some of it , and he waited a minute .
" One time I was at a camp with the guys , and we thought we were being followed by a molester! But we ended up falling into some other guys! " ryu said in a funny voice . We laughed so hard . I took the ballon and took some of the helium .

" You screw up! " I said in a funny voice . We both laughed , we laughed so hard we ended up falling to the floor . Then we laughed some more .
" Oh damn it hurts! " ryu laughed .
" It does! " I laughed . Once we finally stopped laughing , our sides were hurting but of well . I'm so glad I'm back with my brother , I missed him so much!

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