Chapter 1

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         ( Kimmy wants to take on the world one bit at a time! )

                    * A week later *

      " Kim . Kim . Kim! Kimmy! " someone shouts at me . I immediately take out my earphones and see that it's my dad yelling at me , the heck!
" What dad? " I asked . " You've got to take those out of your ears girl , what I wanted to day that is were here . " he said . I look through my window , and I see a big house . It's got a yard with really green grass , and some planted flowers around the house . I gulped and swallowed down any nervousness had , it's the big day .

Today's the day I see my brother after
12 years of separation , I've seen mom . But I haven't seen ryu since I was 3 years old , today's the day I'll be seeing him after 12 years . I'm kinda scared , will he even remember me? I don't know . I hope so , cause I don't wanna have to rebuild that brother sister bond we had when we were little . Me and ryu were close back then as kids .

  ( Here's a picture of what kimmy is wearing now

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  ( Here's a picture of what kimmy is wearing now . )

  But a month after I turned 3 years old , mom and dad got a divorce and I went to go live with dad . Ryu stayed with mom , I never saw him again after that day . He had to grow up without me for 12 years , I really missed him . But mom and dad had made a deal , when I had reached the age of 15 then I'd live with mom until I become an adult and then I can move out and see them whenever I want .

  Mom told me ryu is 16 , he's a year older then me . I don't really care .
Well he is older , he was born into this world before me . Heh . I get out of the car , and help dad with my bags . We sent my other essentials in boxes here , mom put it in my room . My room is suppose to be next to ryu's , well at least I'll be closer to him . Heh . We and dad carry my suitcases to the door , I knock and mom says come in .
We go in , and the first I see is mom in the livingroom . " Mom . " I said .
Her eyes flickered over to me , and she immediately smiled when she saw me . " Kimmy! " she said . She got up and immediately hugged me , I dropped my strap bag and put my arms around her . " I missed you so much mom . " I said . " I missed you too sweet girl . " she said .

Once our little reunion was over , dad helped me bring my bags to my room then he and mom talked then he left after he gave me a hug and a kiss on the forehead . I'm in my room , I see boxes with my stuff and my bags that need to be unpacked . I also a bed that's already made , a closet , a dresser , a bookshelf , and a desk with a rolly chair to it . Mom is downstairs making lunch , and she said she wanted me to talk to ryu .

But he's not here at the moment , she said that he's out with some friends . So I can talk to him later , she had added her number and ryu's number in my phone . I didn't mind , cause probably one day I'm gonna need to call someone for some specific reason . But it's not today , so I'm good . Mom also said that she enrolled me in brinan high school , it's the school ryu goes too . It used to be an all boys school , but with some help from someone the principal decided to let girls attend the school too .

I'm kinda happy , I'll be going to  school with big brother . It makes me happy . Plus I'll make some friends , back at school when I lived with dad I had a hard time making friends . So when dad told me that I'd be living with mom , I thought that it was a new beginning for me . A new opportunity to make some friends , a new open door to being confident and being myself .

I'm happy , and i'm smiling . I haven't smiled in a while , but it's good to smile every once in a while . I think I'm gonna like living with mom and big brother , now only if ryu would come home so I could see him . I wonder how he'll react , I hope he remembers me . I really hope he does , cause I don't know what'd I do if he doesn't . I walk out of my room , and I see ryu's room . He obviously left the door open , and it's very clear that he did . Maybe he was in a rush today? It's sunday , so school isn't until tommorow .

  It will be my first day at school with big brother , I'll be a third year like him . And I'll have the same classes with him , I'm excited and happy . Maybe I'll even make a friend of my own , and then I'll know what it's like to have a best friend . Most people say that they're older sibling is your best friend , I never really knew ryu . I only saw him for 3 years , then the divorce happened and I was taken away from him . But today I get to see him , I should call or text him? Yes? No? Maybe? Ugh! I hate when I can't make up my mind! Stupid me!

Maybe I should look in his room? It wouldn't hurt would it? I mean mom said I could if I wanted , she didn't care If I did or not . So I walk in and look around , I see barely an books on his shelve . Wow , I expected big brother to read more . Just wow . I walk over to his computer desk with his laptop , his laptop is open . Hmm .
The password is 5 words , that's what the hint says . Hmm . Let's see , what could be 5 words . 5 words . 5 words . 5 words . Hmm . I've got one!

I typed in my name , and once I pressed enter it went to home screen .
The password is my name! Maybe he remembers me! This is a good sign! Yay! I then close the laptop , and as soon as I turn around I hear footsteps and voices . " En I don't think we need to let atsushi plan the beach trip this time , last time we ended up with a beach full of guys . " a guy said . Holy crap! That's probably ryu! His voice has changed a lot! And I mean a lot! Like holy crap! I've got to hide! But where! I can't hide under his bed , I'm a bit big for that . I start to panic and freak out , but soon the door opens fully and I freeze in my spot cause I know I've been caught .

" En I'll have to call you back . " a guy said from behind me . Oh crap! Ryu's back! What should I do? Will he even recognize me? " Who are you and what are you doing in my room? " he asked . Does he not see that I have pink hair! It's the same as his! I slowly turn around , and then my eyes flickered towards him . I looked at him from head to toe , that's ryu? That's my brother! I suddenly felt small tears of happiness fill my eyes , and i'm just happy! " Ryu , it's me . It's kimmy . " I said happily . He gasped and then looked at me . I ran to him and immediately hugged him tight , I buried my head in his shirt covered chest . Ryu put his strong arms around me , and started to stroke my hair .

" I've missed you so much big brother . " I said . " I missed you too kimmy , I thought I'd never see you again . " he said with happiness in his voice . He tightened the hug , and I didn't complain . I've missed my brother so much , I hope I never have to be separated from him again . When we patted from the hug , he looked at me again . " You've grown so much kim . " he said . Yeah , my nickname is kim!
" I know , and so have you! " I said .
Wait he was talking about a trip , what trip? I'm curious . " What trip were you talking about? " I asked put of the blue . " Oh me and my friends are taking a trip to the beach for a week , there's no school this week . " he said . " Oh . " I said .

He then gave me " I have an idea " look . " You should come with us! You could meet my friends and we could spend some brother and sister time! " he said excitedly . Woah , I just got back and he wants me to go on a trip with him? What the hell? But he's right though . We could spend some brother and sister time , and I could meet his friends . This is good! I'm totally going! " Sure , but I have to go beach shopping first . " I said .
" I'll take you , besides I have to go get a few things myself anyway . " he said . Okay , shopping with big brother . What could go wrong?

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