The Guys Vs. Baking

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* 2 weeks before Culture Festival Day *

" So what are we gonna do this year for the culture's festival day? " Yumoto asked. " I don't know if we should do it this year. " En said. " Yeah, last years went terrible. " Ryu said. " And so much money in school damage. " Lo said. " So? It'll be fun! " Yumoto said again. " Yumoto we all agreed no. " Atsushi said. " But it'll be Kimmy's first time doing it with us! Come on! We have to do it this year! " Yumoto said again. That's when Wombat jumped from the chair next to the dead teacher and landed in the middle of the desks thst were pushed together.

" He's right! We have to do it! It is Kimmy's first time in our club and we all have to participate! " wombat shouted. As they all decided and argued, I wondered what the hell we were gonna do if we did do this. And what we'd do with the prize money. The prize money is enough for us to maybe find our own hang out place besides this place at school. We've all been looking for a hangout place with our student council friends, so if we win this then we can use it to buy a place that's big enough but cheap or in our price range. And maybe we'll have enough to spruce it up.

It's just all something we've talked about. We've also agreed that we'd throw in some of our money that we all earned from our part time jobs. " Fine, we'll do it but what should do then? " I asked. The guys looked at me with a 'What the hell are you thinking' look while Yumoto was just beaming with excitement. " Thank you! " Yumoto said smiling. And as if on que ... the door opens and in comes out student council friends. They walked in closing the door behind them, and they stood next to us.

" Hey guys, what's going on? " I asked. " We all had an amazing idea. " Gero said. " What's the idea? " Atsushi asked. " We thought that we could join you guys for the culture's festival. That we could all work as a team and do something together. " Kinishiro said. " Yeah, so the battle lovers and the conquest club doing something as a team. " Arima said. " Sounds fun. " I said with a slight smile. " It sounds awesome! " Yumoto said. " Not a bad idea. " En said. " It should work. " Ryu said.

" I like it. " Lo said. " This is a very good idea! We should go with this! " Wombat said. Okay, now he's starting to get annoying already. Damn Wombat. " Well, then what should we do then? What are the options? " I asked. " Either entertainment, food, or games. " Kinishiro said. I don't know if it was just cause I was hungry ... but I wanted to do baking. I was wanting to do cupcakes. " Let's do cupcakes. " I said. " Is that really an idea or are you just hungry? " Ryu asked as he looked at me.

I shook my head back and fourth, " A little bit of both. " I said. " Cupcakes yeah! " Yumoto said excitedly. " Any objections to it? " I asked looking around. No? Hmm ... so this should be fun then. Oh! We can get matching shirts, and hell even sing! Yeah! " I've got a few more ideas. " I said.

          * After school *

" Kimmy! Come on! " Ryu yelled. " Give me on damn minute! " I shouted.
Quickly running to my closet and grabbing an outfit, I slid on the shirt and slid my jean shorts over my hips with ease. I run over and brush my hair into a high messy elegant bun with my bangs down. Then I put the bow in and I slid on the shoes, and grab my purse.

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