Chapter 7

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The Society now knew what A was after, they just didn't know why or from what. In their minds, A wanted revenge for the marks. But on who? It was Day 1 after the news broadcast so far no crime had been committed. Everything was eerily calm throughout the whole day.

Jonas now had dark circles under his eyes from being up day and night trying to figure out what A wanted. He sat at the end of a long dinner table, the rest of the society members sitting around it as well. The empty chair of the Tresais stared mockingly at Jonas and the others sparking many unanswered to run through their heads.

Could their cousin, Erik, be the one behind all the crimes? Could his hate for the society have to that extent?

Colton, the Beta, rubbed his forehead before staring straight into Jonas' brown eyes. "We have to take action Jonas. People will stop doing as we say if we don't solve the crisis at hand. It is our job to keep everything in order."

Jonas stared at his brother, eyes squinted into a glare. "I know that, Colton; but in order to do that we need to figure out what A wants."

Zeke, also known as Z amongst the orphans, leaned back in his seat. A small frown formed upon the young Zeta's face. "L and the other orphans would never take part in acts of crimes such as this ones. They know that we, the Society, would blame them first. Trust me when I say, they don't want that. It someone else that's doing this."

The cousins nodded in agreement.

Zeke did have a point. Plus, the Rebels had been handling things in a different way for a long time. Why change that now? Why complicate everything?

"He's right, which makes the whole situation ten times more complicated. It is our duty, as the Society, to solve problems such as this one," Jonas' voice was laced with anger.

Soft knocking was heard, followed by the sound of the door opening. Iris stepped in to the room, her face pale. A small piece of paper was grasped tightly in her small hands, hidden from the others' sight.

Jonas rushed to the ginger's side. Her small body was held tightly in his muscular arms. "Whats wrong, my love?"

"A left another note, this time in my room." Her shaky hands slipped the small note into Jonas' calloused one. Her wide eyes meeting his tired brown ones.

How did A slip into Iris' room unnoticed? With all the security systems and guards, it'd be impossible for anyone to sneak in!

An angry Jonas opened the note and voiced the words written on it.

"You are now down to 4 days. That is all the time you have left. The longer you hide behind their shadows, the more my blood thirst will grow. You have 98 hours to come clean. Don't show up, and you'll pay the consequences.
Come out, come out, wherever you are!
-A "


Five minutes later TVs crackled to life. A tall brunette with big blue eyes stood in front of the camera once again.

"This is Raven Evergreen reporting life to you with Breaking News! It has been brought to our attention that the murderer also known as A has left behind yet another note."

The screen changed to a picture of a crumpled note.

"The note reads: You are now down..."

The note on the screen was an exact replica of the one found in Iris' room Jonas knew it was no coincidence. Bewilderment clouded Iris' every thought.

How did the reporter know? The note was still tightly held in Jonas' hand. It wasn't possible.

The screen turned back to the short woman.

"...many are starting to question the Society's part in all of this...are the members of the Society actually doing something to stop A? What about those living under the Society, are they doing anything about the cause?"

The TV screen went black. In mere seconds the calmness surrounding the place vanished and was replaced by panic. Jonas looked at his cousins in confusion.

"How did she know?" The question was asked by Eli, the Epsilon.

"She must have connections with A!" The anger in Tobias' voice could be detected from miles away.

Jonas diverted his eyes diverted his eyes towards Tobias, the Undici. "Tobias is right." His gaze turned back to the others, "I believe our dear reporter, Raven Evergreen, is somehow acquainted to A." Colton and Jonas made eye contact, "Colton go tell the chief  that I want Miss Evergreen to be brought it, alive."

Colton nodded before rushing out of the room. Everyone knew they were one step closer to taking down the anonymous murderer. Soon, A's accomplice would be under their surveillance. They would get answers out of her even if they had to get them out of her the hard way.

"It is time for us to take action! In less than a week, A will be captured and erase from everyone's memory."

Jonas felt as though A was slowly turning him back in to the man he was before meeting Iris, something that he didn't even dream of becoming once again. With A gone, Jordan would stay being the man that Iris fell in love with. A smirk formed on his pink lips at the thought. He watched as his cousins made their way out of the room, knowing looks of their handsome faces. They knew Jonas reasoning behind his last comment. Jonas hadn't always been the nice fella Iris loved. He was once as much of a monster as A is. Jonas would become that monster once again only to get answers out of the reporter. He is not going to let some anonymous killer ruin what he has with Iris. 

Beware A, you're messing with the wrong people... Something that you'll soon learn to regret!

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