Chapter Seven

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I'm picking Jess up from the airport today around 3. I decide to bring Kylee with me so I can explain everything to Jess on the way home. I'm a little nervous about her reaction though. I don't really know what she will think. Also, the little kiss she gave me before she left? I'm still confused about it but my first priority is telling her about Ky and Nicole so if she decides that it's a deal breaker, our relationship doesn't have to go to far. If I tell Jess about Ky and Nicole now and she decides it's too much, than we can break up and less feelings would be hurt.
When we get to the airport, Jess' flight hasn't landed yet. We wait for about 20 minutes before we see people getting their baggage from the baggage claim and I see her. I grab Ky's hand and pull her alongside me until we reach Jess.
I tap Jess on the shoulder as she bends down to grab the suitcase I bought her.
"Oh my god! Hey!" She exclaims. Then she sees Ky, hiding behind my leg.
"Who's this?" She asks, confused. Very confused.
"Jess, this is Kylee. She's my daughter." I'm a little nervous for her reaction.
"Your what? She's your daughter? I didn't even know you had kids."
"Well, a kid. Just her." I gesture to a sort of frightened Kylee. I pull Kylee around my legs so she's not hiding anymore.
"With who?" I cover Kylee's ears.
"Can we talk about this later? Little ears. She's only three."
"Sure, let's get going." I uncover her ears.
As were walking, I sense a hint of frustration in Jess' footsteps. Should I have told her sooner? Maybe I should've.
"Are you mad?" I ask.
"No." She says, fast.
We're silent for awhile. When we get to the car Jess puts her stuff in the seat next to Kylee as I lift and buckle her into the seat. When both of the back doors are shut, before we open the front doors we look at each other and start talking.
"I think now is a good time since she can't hear now." Jess says, almost in a condescending tone.
"Ok, fine. I was married to a girl named Nicole for awhile. Then we had Kylee, then a few months later we divorced and I won custody. Problems?" I use the same tone.
"What do you expect me to say about it? Things go great then I get off of a plane and BOOM you're divorced and have a kid." Same tone.
"Ok ok, I know it's sudden. But the longer I waited the worse it would've been."
"'It?' What's 'it'? What do you mean worse?"
"If I would've waited longer to tell you than we would've developed a strong relationship so if you had a problem with it and wanted to break up than things would be so much more complicated than you having a problem with it now." I explain.
"Who said I had a problem with it?" Tone.
"I said if you had a problem with it."
"Well I don't. I think she's adorable, I just wish you would've told me sooner." The tone is going away.
"Well I'm sorry I didn't. Can we get past this now? I think you two should get to know each other. She's coming to dinner on Sunday, just so you know."
"Okay." And she gets in the car.
"So Kylee, why don't you tell Jess about your favorite doll?" Hunter is trying to get us to get to know each other. I'm not entirely sure I wanna do this.
"But mommy broked it." Kylee says, sad voiced. Her mom broke her doll?
"What do you mean, mommy broke it?" Hunter asks.
"I was playing with it and I make it sing songs and mommy took it and broked it. Then you came and said we get new one and she make us leave." Hunter almost choked on his own saliva.
"Why didn't you tell me this before?" He's furious. I mean really furious.
"You no ask." She said. She's kinda cute.
Hunter sits quietly brewing for a few minutes. Then he pulls out his phone. The name he clicks reads "Nicole". Oh man. I'm not sure I want to witness this.
"Hello?" A sleepy Nicole picks up.
"What the hell?" I'm furious. There's no denying it.
"What?" She sounds so condescending its pissing me off even more.
"What the hell are you talking about?"
"The doll! You broke MY DAUGHTER'S favorite doll!"
"Oh for heavens sake IT'S A FUCKING DOLL. You should teach YOUR DAUGHTER to man up."
"You know what? You'll be lucky if I ever let you see her again! It's a wonder what else you've done." I'm furious. I bet my instincts were right about neglect.
"I've done nothing else! How dare you accuse me!" Maybe she's right, I shouldn't accuse her. But that doesn't change things.
"If you think that changes things you're dead wrong." I hang up and sit quietly, as we all do.
"Sorry you had to witness that, guys."
Now all I have to think about is if and when I should let Ky see her mom again.

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