Story #6

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It was sad really, my mortality. What was I supposed to do? Everyone thought I was this immortal killer. I was here to kill. I was supposedly from this long line of expert killers. Honestly though? I was a mortal, and if anyone actually looked me up they would know. No one ever did, since everyone was too busy being scared after they heard I was in town. I can never sleep at night knowing that at any second they can just come in and kill me, but I can't kill them. They are immortal, but me? I'm a fake, an imposter of immortality. What was I supposed to do? Once I was in this world I couldn't exactly leave; not without a death wish. Leaving just meant I would die quicker, but what was better? Living in a constant state of fear just to age and die in battle one day when the bullet was just too fast or maybe I was just too slow. It would be like this huge april fool's joke for this alternate world. I would probably be erased from history as I was known now, and replaced with 'that foolish girl that thought she could fake immortality'. They would lie in the history books to protect the strength of the government. As I sat here in my bed waiting, waiting, waiting for someone to finally figure me out and kill me. Again I ask the question which is better? Immediate death or constant fear of death? Was it possible for me to just disappear? Could I do it without dying in the process? Then the headlines would say, 'The expert killer that suddenly disappeared never to be found again.' Then the question would be could I live completely void from all the types of humanity? Could I? Would I? Or was constant fear better?

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