It was dinner, as a family. Nothing good came out of a family dinner. At the last family dinner I was told my college would be postponed for a year, because we didn't have the money. That was five years ago. We haven't had a family dinner since. Which means something has happened, but what? It couldn't just be anything, it would have to be something drastic. The parentals didn't call us here for nothing. We ate in silence for a while until I couldn't take it any longer.
"What is it? Spit it out! Why are we here," I say in a word vomit kind of way.
"What? I can't call my children here to sit down and have a decent meal," my mother says with fake offense.
"Please mum we all know you only call a dinner when something's up," my brother says.
"Well then fine children you will get what you asked for. Your mother is-" my father says before being cut off by my mother.
"Dying, I'm dying. I only have a few weeks left," the table falls silent.
"YOUR WHAT!" My brother and I say in unison.
How could she just die? Why didn't she tell us this sooner? How long has she known? What was going to happen to us? My mom was the only working parent of the household. My brother will end up in the mines, but what about me? The Weaver's Hut? The slaughter house? The fishing boat? To get a better job I'll have to fake a man. I'd have to look like a man, act like a man. How do I do that? What will happen to us?
Stories I'll never finish
बेतरतीबThese are stories I'll probably never finish, just start or have random scenes of. Don't steal my words. they are still mine if I finish them or not. They are mostly sprints from the most dangerous writing app.