Siblings part 4

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When your sibling develops a weird habit like eating peanut butter and banana sandwiches and u get creeped out:

You scare them at every chance you get, standing by the door and waiting for them to come by and then saying this in a really creepy low voice:

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You scare them at every chance you get, standing by the door and waiting for them to come by and then saying this in a really creepy low voice:

You scare them at every chance you get, standing by the door and waiting for them to come by and then saying this in a really creepy low voice:

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When someone calls your sibling cute or hot:

When you give your sibling a REALLY mean nickname and they don't laugh:

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When you give your sibling a REALLY mean nickname and they don't laugh:

When you give your sibling a REALLY mean nickname and they don't laugh:

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But at the end of the day, no matter how much you fight,

But at the end of the day, no matter how much you fight,

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And hurt each other,

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And hurt each other,

They're still your sibling

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They're still your sibling... You guys can be weird together

 You guys can be weird together

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You love them anyway!

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