Chapter 3: The Fight For Justice

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There wasn't one single girl who wasn't staring at the girl in cargo pants, Lacey.

"You're delusional." That, that was the first word to break the silence and it happened to come out of my mouth. All attention was brought to me.

"You can't get out of here. It's impossible, they have guards everywhere, and even if by some miracle you're able to avoid all of them and leave this place you won't get far. We're in the middle of nowhere. You're knew here so you don't know much, but the rumors here say that we're in an isolated ranch. Far away from humanity. No one knows we even exist. They'll catch you, and kill you if you try. They've done it before."

Lacey stood up and walked over to me, her gaze narrow and cold,"I'd like to see them try." She said in a voice so confident that I wanted to believe her.

"No, you don't get it, save yourself the trouble. There's nothing we can do, except try to survive."

"Survive?" She cocked an eyebrow,"You think you can call this living?" She glanced around the room with her hands out,"You can't give up hope. We can still take our world back-"

"What nonsense are you talking about? Look, I don't care what ever delusional ideas you're cooking up in that messed up brain of yours, but just keep me out of it. If they find out you're trying to escape, they'll come and kill you, and not just you us to for knowing about it." I turned to the twin on the floor,"You should keep away from her, she'll get you killed. Same goes for the rest of you." I said to the rest of the girls who simply looked down at the floor and tried to get away from the new girl as far as possible.

For a second there was nothing but silence. And then, in a matter of seconds everything changed for me, for us.

"Alexandra Brown, age eighteen. You were abducted a year ago. You were filed in as a missing person, but by now every one has pretty much passed you for dead. Everyone except your father. I've talked to him, he's waiting for you-"

"Stop it- H-how do you know this? What are you saying? Stop lying to me!" My emotions came down like a waterfall and I couldn't stop the tears from escaping. I marched over to Lacey,"You talked to my father? How? Who are you?" By now everyone had gathered around Laney.

"I'm Captain Lacey Lighter from the Marines. The only force directly opposing Mr. Smiley." She said as she took her left glove off and showed the back of her hand to me.

I looked at it intrigued and in awe. She had the word "Justice" tattooed on it's side and next to it four other words:





"I'm under cover, so please quiet down and refrain from speaking of this any more. I want to liberate all of you, but I need evidence. I also need your help. You're not the only shop here. There countless scattered all over the world, and I can't risk losing them all to Mr. Smiley. I have to connect them all to him, so I can't rescue you yet, just wait a little longer-"

"But my sister, they took her to the Organ shop. I don't know how long she has left alive." Zara broke out in desperation, a new window of hope opening before our very own eyes.

This was it. This was the miracle I had prayed for every night when I cried myself to sleep.

"Okay, we'll do anything you tell us."

"But what about my sister Jenni, will she be fine?" Lara spoke this time.

Lacey put her glove back on and directed her attention to Lara, her brown eyes hooded.

"Look, we have a couple of hours before it's too late. They don't usually dismember them right away until they can find a buyer. I don't know how long, but its definitely a short window of time before that happens. That's why we have to act quick. " she looked down at the floor and curled her fists besides her cracking the leather,"And heads up," she closed her eyes,"I can't make any guarantees that we'll be able to save her in time."

It must have been like a blow to the twins chests' hearing that. You could see the horror in their eyes. The wretched fear tearing them apart. Fear that they might make it out, but their younger sister wouldn't.

"Okay, so what's your plan? How do you intend to find this evidence and how long will it take?"

"I don't know, a couple of days. As for the plan, I can give that away. I just need you to trust me, and keep quiet about this."

"A couple of days! We don't have time! We have to act now. You have all the evidence you need!" Zara spoke out of desperation.

"Look," Lacey looked at her, her eyes dead and set on her, "I understand you want to save your sister, but you will have to wait. This plan of mine, if everything goes as planned, can bring down this entire business and put Mr. Smiley in Jail for a very long time. This may sounds cruel, but I can't weigh one single girl's live against hundreds more. Because, believe it or not, there are more girls out there like you."

As much as I hated her words, I knew they were true. All I could do was rub Lara's shoulder in empathy and hope for the best.

I had to believe in this girl, I had no other choice. If anything, I could taste the bitter freedom now. It didn't seem so distant now. It could become my reality. It would become my reality.

"For now, all I need is for you all to go to bed and rest up. Leave everything to me, and please, keep this quiet. Act as if nothing happened. This conversation didn't happen."

"But they have cameras here too, you know." One of the girls said.

"Yes, but the have no audio so we should be fine, and they I made sure to stay as far away from it's view range as possible. They haven't gotten a good look at me."

"Okay, Lacey. I'll trust you. I'll put on my faith in you. Take my life in your hands and give me back my freedom." And before I knew it, all the other girls were pledging themselves along with me to our knew found savior.

Laney Lighter.

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