Chapter 4: Selfish Girls Call For Chaos

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It should have never happened this way. It wasn't betrayal to just me, but to every single girl here.

Loud footsteps swarmed the dorms and the door went flying open waking up every single soul in that room. The lights where dim but even in the darkness you could see the confusion int he girls as they stared at the men holding flashlights to our faces. It was the middle of the night, so something was terribly wrong.

I prepared myself for the worst.

In walked in a tall man. Very tall. Looming taller than him.

He dressed all in black and wore and angry face in his rugged face. In one hand he held a machine gun, and in the other he held a flashlight. On each side of him at least five armed men stood making a total of eleven of them.

"Can you point her out? Which bitch is working with the marines?"

Oh no, this was very bad.

I remained glued to the bed heavily disappointed, already knowing who was behind all of this.

"Her, the one with the short black hair." a very familiar voice said from behind the tall man.

The tall man and I came eye to eye and then he walked towards me, a sour grimace on his face. I stood up and allowed him to reach me.

"This one?" He looked behind him at one of the twins who stood in her night gown red eye, and shaking.

"Yeah, thats the one. Now, I did my part of the deal, bring me my sister."

"You turned me in?" I let my words come out cold and icy, "I feel sorry for you. You're stupid selfish foolish girl. You don't know what you've done."

The tall man approached me and sent me flying back with a cold hard slap. I fell on the bed with my hair over my face. Tasting the metal in my left cheek. I got back up, cold glare in my eyes and allowed him to handcuff me. Then he walked me down the long narrow path in-between the beds towards the door. I came eye to eye with one of the twins," You made a deal with the devil, and the devil never keeps his word."

"Smart girl." The burly man commented laughing as he walked me,"You didn't honestly think we would give you your sister back, now did you? We could care less about what you want. All we needed was to find the damn marine and you led us right to her." He added followed by more cackling.

"Wait, no. You're lying! You can't do this! We had a deal! You promised!" The twin cried out like a maniac pulling at her hair. "You said you would give me my sister! Where is she? I did my part, now you have to do yours! I won't accept it! Give me my sister...please." She fell to the floor crying worthlessly.

"You betrayed every single girl here" I continued" I, however," forgive you." The words came out of my mouth like a fresh breath of air and as soon as I finished them, the lights went out.

I felt limbs coming at me, and I kicked them away. I didn't need light to see them. I could sense them. And too bad for them, I hit like a girl.

I broke all their necks in the confusions of the darkness and kicked their guns away. All around me I heard the thuds of their bodies hitting the floor. When I had counted eleven, I lowered my guard down a bit, but not fully, knowing more would come. I searched around blindly for a flashlight as I spoke into my ear piece, "Failed mission, send out every man. Now!"

I had failed him.

I told myself I could do this, that I was up to the task. He had put his faith in me, and now it had all gone to hell.

A shower of thunderous footsteps as men rampaged inside the ranch was heard and I remained still.

"All of you, stay here. You'll be granted freedom, but I can't say the rest for the hundreds of other girls who suffered the same fate as you. My men are taking care of the rest of the guards. We've had the place surrounded for the past few days."

I waited in silence, leaning against the wall feeling ever glare even in the darkness. And even so, all I could think was about how I was going to explain this to him. How could I look him in the eye and tell him that all those years or research and planning had been for nothing. That Mr. Smiley had won. Not only had we made our existence well aware to him, but now he would be extra careful with the rest of his locations. We had saved one group of girls, but at the cost of hundreds more. This wasn't justice.

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