Chapter 1: Alex, The Hateful Girl

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I took my client to a room. It was big and luxurios. A giant chandelier hung from the cealing illuminating the room a dim glow. Vases with roses where propped here and there. Despite the elegent decor this place disgusted me. In this room I had lost my innocence to a repulsive old man, who was sick and vile.

"What would you like me to do?" I spoke up and looked up at the man for the first time.

I gaped and took a step back, wide eyes glassy.

This man. How could he? Him of all people. The hypocrisy.

"Just get on your knees." He murmured with a raspy voice as he impatiently unbuckled  his black pants.

I hated this man. All I could do was shoot him a poisonous look as I bend down.

"How dare you look at me like that you bitch"  in a matter of seconds my entire body was flung backwards, by the force of his large hand coming down on my left cheek.

I stumbled backwards, unable to stop myself and hit the back of my head on the wall.

Pain swelled up on my cheek as I raised up leveling my eyes on the man.

"Sorry," I murmured wiping blood from my lips with my fingertips,"Father..."

He froze, his eyes white and wide, lips parted as he looked at me with a mixture of terror and guilt and then that changed to anger as he continued to unbuckle his pants and dropped them to the floor.

"Suck me." He ordered in a monotone voice, his composure gathered one again.

I bit back a witty retort and got in my knees.

The irony.

I looked at it. It looked just like any other man's appendage.

I opened my mouth and closed my eyes, tears binding them together and fought backyard he urge to gag as I took it in my mouth.

The taste, the feel, the smell. I tried to numb all my senses. I wanted to not feel. To forget. To disappear in that moment.

"Faster." He ordered, jamming his meat in harder.

I closed my eyes blinking tears, and gagging in the moment.  I pulled away wiping my mouth, eyes red and broken.

"Dammit, you weren't even worth the money I spent on you. At least turn around and let me give you a good fucking." He ordered.

I bit bat a poisonous retort angry at G-d. If he did exist why did things like these happen? Why did he allowed me to suffer? Was he watching me now?  Did he not care about all the bad things his immoral children did to others? I didn't deserve this. None of us did. Why? Why? Why?! Where was the justice!

I raised my skirt up as I walked over to the priest and bent over the bed waiting for him.

That was the day I stopped believing in G-d.


   The priest left after I finished  pleasing him,  and then afterwards I was sent back to the only place were I felt safe anymore. With the rest of the girls. Where we spent every single day of our lives. It was a large room with small twin beds along the walls from left to right. There were no windows and the doors were large, hard and always locked. What made it so great? When we weren't here, we were with some sick pervert. It was the only heaven I had come to know.

But despite that, there was actually something that I considered heaven. I had been here for a year, but even then, even among the darkness and the morbid life I lived, there was still that memory of the celestial blue of the sky which I hoped I would one day see again. Because when you glanced up at the sky, that's when you were free. Free from anything that bound you to this hell.
Free like a bird. And maybe I was being delusional, but if anything I would want to see the sky one last time. To close my eyes as I face the sun with its rays raining down on me. 

The doors opened and a burly man from behind me pushed me inside. I looked inside the dim room. All the girls looked up, wide Bambi eyes looking at me with fright. They all had hat same look. The look I carried every day since I had been brought here.

My illusions shattered.

That celestial sky seemed more like a fantasy with each day that I spent here.

Slowly I looked back down, I could not look them in the eye, or else I would loose myself. Because looking at them was like looking in a mirror and it would remind me of what had happened to me, and where I was. All I could do now was go take a shower, and sleep my pain away until they came to get us again.

I marched on forward to my empty bed in the back, expecting the door to close but it remained open which I found strange.

This could only mean one thing. I turned to look behind my shoulder, in sorrow.

They had brought in another one.

She was so small. Poor thing. She seemed so young and fragile. How could they do this to her, to us, to me! I sympathized with this girl, she'd been taken from her home and thrown to the wolves.

Men were pigs, no they were monsters. Who took advantage of the weak and used them for their own gain.  I hated them all...

The girl took small steps forward keeping her gaze on the floor as the same tall man that had once brought me here, pushed her on forward. She had black cropped hair that came down to her shoulders. It covered her face like a curtain only revealing small plump lips. She came to an abrupt stop and looked up for the first time and I got a better glance at her. She had a small heart face. Really pretty, yet tough looking in some sort of indescribable way I couldn't put my finger on. She was very thin and short. I could see how these men could have overpowered her.

Anyways, the girl looked around.  Her expression at first seemed distraught but then something changed and I swear I saw a snippet of anger. I looked harder at her. My eyes meeting hers, and I gasped taking a step back. This girl, she was so...mean looking. Her brows were knitted in anger, and her eyes. They were fiery and blazing with hell.

Her mouth curved into anger itself. Never had I seen such anger. Such passionate hatred. The look in her eyes was piercing and hateful. The look she gave the man was even worse. Had it been shot at me, I would have cracked under it. You could see the flames of hell in her stare.

"What are you glaring at me like that for, you bitch?!" The burly man said and then without hesitation he threw his hand against her cheek and sent her flying into the bed.

She remained still, her body sprawled out on the bed cold and motionless. Even in the dim light, you could still see the white of her eyes. Her anger seething through them still. Her hair covered her face, and you could barely make out her features under it but even then I knew she still looked fierce and hateful. This girl, she spoke for all of us. This is how we felt. She was our voice.

"Fucking bitch." The burly man murmured under his breath before shooting her one last glare and leaving the room. The heavy doors closed and we were in silence once more. The sheep had been herded back into  the pen. 

Welcome to my hell.

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