Phone Call.

12 1 4

Rosemary's POV




I did not know how to function at the moment. Me. Rosemary Peterson. I  won 5SOS contest. I was going on tour with my favorite band. Holy shit. Two seconds later my phone rang. We all screamed.

"ANSWER IT" Ava yelled.

"I'M SCARED" I screamed back.

"JUST DO IT" they all yelled.

I picked up my phone.

"H-H-Hello" I said.

"Hi is this Rosemary Peterson?" a familiar Australian accent asked.

"Y-Y-Yes this is her" I replied.

"CONGRATULATIONS! You won our contest! Now before you we get into details you would like to go on tour with us correct?"

I could tell it was Luke talking and Isabella was quietly freaking out.

"YES! I-I-I mean yes I would" I replied.

They all laughed at my remark, music to my ears.

"Okay so we are going to email you plane tickets to fly to LA and you will meet Dave there at your gate, then you will see us at the house. Sound good?" 

Before I could think the reply out of my mouth, a natural instinct, came to quick.

"Feels good."

They all started dying laughing, including my three friends.

"Sorry, natural instinct" I said.

"No biggie, we will see you in two weeks from tomorrow."


"Bye Rosemary!" They said in unison.

"Bye guys!"

All of us screamed when I got off the phone. Then I heard the garage open and the worst thing possible came in my mind. What am I going to tell my dad.

All the girls left about an hour ago and I was helping set the table for dinner. Once we all sat down and prayed I decided to say something.

"Hey um mom, daddy, can I talk to you guys about something?" I asked.

"Of course honey, what is it?" My mom asked.

"Well uh, you uh, y-you-----"

"Rosemary, what is it hun just spit it out" my dad said.

"Okay well my favorite band, 5 Seconds of Summer made a contest and if you entered and won you would go on tour with them for the whole tour. The girls and I entered it and we thought we had no chance of winning, but today they announced the winner, and uh, and I um, I uh, I won."

Right then and there I thought it was my last breath. My dad stopped eating, my mom choked on her water, and my brother and sister just stared at me.

"So I um, I guess what I'm trying to tell you is um, they called me and gave me all the details and I was uh, I was wondering if I could maybe go on tour with them?"

My whole family then burst out laughing like it was a joke, and when they realized it wasn't my parents immediately got stern with me.

"Rosemary are you serious?"

"Rosemary what about school?"

"What about church?"

All these questions they kept asking me.

"Well, I would get the lessons sent to me by my teacher and I will find nearby churches to go to."

"Absolutely not" my dad said.

"But Daddy!"

"No buts Rosemary! You're not going end of discussion!" he yelled.


I knew once my dad said no, there were no arguments. He made the decisions of the house and I wasn't going. Oh well now I'll have to give my touring spot to some other chick.


The next morning I woke up late with tear stained cheeks. I rushed out of bed and combed my blonde hair and left it because it was naturally straight, then I quickly add a coat of mascara and walk to my closet. I put on my skirt and my sweater, the outfit I wear everyday because my father says it's presentable for school. I ran downstairs grabbed a banana then walked to the bus stop.

When I got on the bus I sat next to Zoe.

"Good morning girly!" then she noticed my eyes, red from crying,

"Oh my gosh Rosy are you okay?!?"

"No, my dad wont let my go on tour with 5SOS" I replied.

"Oh no, I'm so so sorry. I'm sure he'll change his mind okay?"

"I doubt it but okay."

The day could not have went by any slower. At lunch I explained to all the girls what happened. They couldn't believe but in a way they could. He was my father, the strict preacher, oh well. The afternoon went by a little better cause I had drama with all my friends and we then explained to Anthony what happened and he comforted me too. I really had the best friends.


I walked into my house to see my parents sitting at the kitchen table.

"Rosemary honey come in here and sit" my mom said.

"O-Okay. What's going on? Is everything okay?"

"Yes honey. Now listen carefully, me and your father have been talking" she said.

"You are a straight A student, do everything we say,"  she continued.

"And we've decided," she stopped.

"To let you go on tour with 5SOS" My dad said.

Authors Note:

HI GUYSSS!! So Rosy's parents let her go on tour with 5SOS yay! I hope you enjoyed this chapter! I put a lot of work into it and it took a long time so I hope it was worth it lol. Thanks for reading guys!! Vote and comment ? :)))

xxx Danielle

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