A kiss goodbye.

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Rosemary's POV

I ran upstairs as quick as possible and called the girls over. Oh my gosh I was actually going on tour with my favorite band. Holy Hell. I couldn't believe it.

When the girls got to my house we all started to freak out. I knew that I was leaving two weeks from tomorrow so I had to pack.

"Oh my gosh Rosy I can't believe this is happening" Bella said.

"I can't believe it either" I replied.

I packed all of my skirts and sweaters and flats, because that's all I have to wear. But, I also packed a pair of ripped black skinny jeans, my Blink 182 t-shirt, and my black converse. The girls and I went to the mall over the summer and got an outfit our parents would never let us get. We all got ripped black skinny jeans, black converse, and a band t-shirt. I got Blink 182, Zoe got All Time Low, Bella got Fall Out Boy, and Ava got Panic!at the disco. It was kind of a big risk but we hid our clothes secretly somewhere in our closets.

The girls stayed for dinner because my father had ordered pizza. We went to my room to eat while listening to The 1975. We had seen them live but when we went we told our parents we were going to the talent show at our school. It was a difficult having to act like a perfect innocent angel all the time in front of your parents. Sometimes I just wanted to be like the other kids in my grade. Party, date, repeat the process. I mean I could lie to my parents but I just felt so guilty doing it. After all it was a sin and my father was a preacher.

The next day at school Anthony and I were partnered to act out a scene of Romeo and Juliet in drama class. Instead of doing what we were supposed to I told him about me going on tour with 5SOS. He was pretty upset I mean besides the girls, he was my best friend. We had known each other for a long time. We grew up together because our parents were friends and our older brothers were best friends. Anthony and I had been through so much and it was going to be difficult leaving him.

Anthony's POV

I can't believe she was leaving me. The only girl I had ever loved was leaving me. Gone. Maybe I did have a small tiny..okay a HUGE crush on Rosy. She was the only girl I could ever trust besides my mom. Lame isn't it. We had made this promise when we were younger that by our last year of middle school if neither of us had our first kiss we would be each others. We kept our promise and knowing that neither of us had our first kiss we made it happen. Ever since then I have never stopped loving her. I was going to miss her a lot. Okay it was only a year but still that was hard. She was my best friend. My rock. Me and Rosy did everything together, knew everything about each other, etc. We always made sure the other one was on track. After the bell rang I was to upset to wait and walk with her but I knew I should take advantage of every last moment with her before she left.

As we were walking out of class I decided to ask her to hang later.

"Rosy wanna get ice cream later?"

"Sure! Is 7:00 okay?" she asked

"Fine by me." I replied.

"Alright see ya later!" she said walking to her next class.

I had to do something tonight. I couldn't let her go.

Rosemary's POV

After dinner I decided to get ready for ice cream with Anthony. I quickly brushed my hair and changed into a warmer sweater. A few seconds later my phone buzzed.

Tony: Here Rosy.

Rosy: Coming:)

I could hear him making small talk with my parents, which I knew he hated but was still polite so I quickly rushed downstairs. We said our goodbyes and got in the car. We blasted All Time Low on the way to Baskin Robins our favorite ice cream place, and laughed at each other at the stupid dance moves we would do. Man was I really gonna miss him. He bought me my ice cream and then we went to the park.

We sat on the swings for hours and talked while enjoying our delicious treats.

"I'm really gonna miss you Tony." I said as we started to walk on the soccer fields.

"Yeah me too, but don't worry I'll facetime you and text you everyday" He replied.

"Sounds like a plan to me" I said with a smile.

Anthony's POV

"Sounds like a plan to me" She said with a smile.

There was that beautiful smile, and those glowing blue eyes. Man was I whipped or what.

I then realized we were under the tree where we had our first kiss.

"Hey would you look where we are" she laughed.

"What a memory," I said.

"But lets make another one" I told her.

Leaning in I kissed her. She kissed back but it didn't last long. What was I doing.

"We should get going" she said walking ahead.

Shit shit shit she was weirded out wasn't she? Fuck i'm such an idiot. I replied with a simple okay and we walked to the car. The ride was silent, when we got to her house she thanked me for the ice cream and went inside.

Rosemary's POV

Why did he kiss me. Did he have a thing for me? No we've been best friends forever he couldn't. I decided to not tell the girls about this because it would just cause drama and that was the last thing I wanted in my life right now. With thoughts of the kiss in my mind I drifted to sleep.


The next two weeks of school was awkward for me and Anthony, especially since we were Romeo and Juliet in drama class. We didn't talk unless we were acting and you could just tell there was so much tension. Oh well he'll get over it.

Tomorrow was the day I was leaving for the tour so tonight I made sure everything was packed. I had to wake up really early because I had an 8am flight. After dinner I went upstairs and fell asleep.


I woke up with a sudden rush remembering I was meeting my favorite band today. Touring with them in fact. I quickly got changed in my usual outfit and walked downstairs to my family ready to go with the car packed.

When we arrived at the airport I said my goodbyes to everyone tearing up a bit, but to be honest I was fake crying. I was ready to get out of that hell hole and actually be me. I was sick of living by my parents rules, being proper and presentable. Being innocent was difficult. One year without it would be great. I boarded the plane and put my headphones in while drifting into a nap.


When we landed I waited for my luggage and walked to find a familiar muscular middle aged man waiting for me with a sign that read ROSEMARY PETERSON in big bold letters. I walked over and introduced myself.

"Hi I'm Rosemary Peterson."

"Oh hi Rosemary! I'm Dave! I'm the boys security guard and I will be taking you back to the house where the boys are. They wanted to come but to much chaos with all the fans so I told them I would come pick you up."

"Okay" I replied with a polite smile.

The drive back was a tad awkward but Dave tried to not make it as bad asking me questions about myself which I was fine with. After about 20 minutes we arrived at this big ass mansion. I was in awe to say the least. I went to grab my luggage but Dave wouldn't let me since I was the guest.

As I was walking up to the door I could feel my heart beating faster and faster as I made my way closer. Dave had walked in right before me so they didn't wonder why I had just welcomed myself in.
When I walked in I was greeted by 4 Australian lads I never thought I'd meet.

hiiiiiii okay so there's a little background info on Rosey and Anthony sometimes called Tony ahah and she finally arrived. The next chapter will get things going sorry if its kinda boring rn.
Don't forget to vote and comment enjoy :)
xxx Danielle
twitter: hellahood96
instagram: ughhnialll

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