Making Difficult Decisions

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"Will you be my girlfriend Lilith Elizabeth Addison Mae Carter?" I asked her with my eyes directly staring into her eyes with begging of plea in my voice. She looked at me and said, "No, I can not be your girlfriend," she said with a complete look of hurt in her eyes as if she knew that she didn't want to say that. "What, why, what did I do wrong, is it because of the way I look, smell, dress, where I live, Lily we even had sex," I said as I began to panic and flood her with questions. "No you did not do anything wrong, it's not because of the way you look, or dress, live, or even smell," she said as she chuckled a bit. "I also was drunk Hunter by the way," she said sarcastically. "It's the way you act Hunter," she said sternly. "I've known you for a very long time, and I have seen the way you treat girls over and over again breaking there hearts and then picking them up again and repeating the same thing over and over again with each girl," she said while walking back and forth in the bathroom with the towel wrapped around her body. "But those girls aren't you," I cried out. "How do I know that you won't treat me like them in the long run, how do I know I won't get hurt by you, how do I kn- ," she was saying before I cutter her off and smashed lips onto hers. She stood in shock and I put my hands around face and stared into her eyes and said "Just know that no matter what happens I promise in any fucked up situation I will always love you and be by your side every step of the way, I won't let you down, I will always pick you up if you fall, I will catch you tears if you cry, and I will be your shoulder when you need somebody to lean on," I exclaimed to her. She looked up at me trying to read my eyes to see if I was telling the truth or was I just saying things to get her. "So, Lily will you be my girlfriend?" I asked her once again hoping and praying that she will say yes. She look at me for about a minute and finally opened her mouth and said, "No, you must prove to me that I won't waste my time with you," she said while smiling at me. Personally she was wasting my time right now not saying yes to this simple question but I didn't notice how crazy I am over her and that I needed her to be with me everyday of my life. "So what do I have to do," I asked her while grabbing her hands. "That's only for me to know and for you to find out," she said as she unlocked my grip from her hands and  pushed me out the bathroom and locked the door while turning on the shower.


I looked in the mirror at myself trying to think what the hell have I done. Why was I rejecting the love of my life that I have always dreamed of being with because I know that I am crazy over him. I just felt as if that if I would get in a relationship with him, he would have to change his ways because honestly his ways aren't cute. I think it is just that I am afraid of getting hurt, although I want him mentally and physically, my heart is telling me otherwise. And you know they say follow your heart, so well you know that is what I'm going to do. I am not going to risk getting hurt by a guy and ruin our friendship that has been created over the past 17 years. I know for a fact that I do love Hunter but what scares me the most is "does he loves me". As I step in the shower the hot water hits my body as I feel all of the tension, stress, and worries began to fade.


"Dude thanks for letting me use your shower," I said while walking downstairs. "Where's your mom?" I asked him. "Oh I live by myself now and you well you know  with my little sister," he told me. "My mom moved in with her new boyfriend who seems to be an ass hole at times, but I did tell him that if he ever laid hands on her that he would regret it," he said while slight laughing with anger. "She rejected me twice dude," I exclaimed to Dylan who is by the way my best friend since birth." What do you mean?" he asked in questioned. "I asked her to be my girlfriend an-," I said to Dylan before he cutted me off saying, "Wait, wait, wait you asked her to be your girlfriend," he said in complete shock as if he had never her me say this in my life. "Yes," I said nodding my head. " That bihhh crazy!" Dylan said while laughing. I looked at him laughing with him. "But in seriousness even though yall her friends and all and that yall had sex last night that doesn't mean that you can ask her out," Dylan said calmly yet with a serious look on his face. "It takes time for a girl to grow on a guy and when I say grow I mean as in gain trust as in not having any fear of you hurting her, hope of having that mindset that one day that you and her will have a future together, and love," Dylan said. "Love is a strong word that many people say but they really don't mean and if that words is taken out of proportion with a girl as in not actually showing her the action of love you have lost her trust and hope and she most of all you have lost her, so man this isn't nothing you won't to play around because a girls feelings is the worst thing thing that you can ever damage and it is hard to repair," Dylan said to me. I looked at Dylan in shock not knowing that he was a love expert. "Dude I didn't know you were a love expert," I said while smiling. "I have dealt with this and situations like yours and I do have a little sister and I promise you if any guy hurts her they have another problem coming there way, but back on the situation do you want this Hunter, do you want to be with Lily?" Dylan questioned me. "YES!" I shouted. "There is nothing more I would ask for," I said loudly. "Then prove it to her," Dylan said to me. "He doesn't have to," a distance voice said. "Lily you heard our entire conversation?" I asked her. "Most of it and I'm glad I did," she said while smiling. "Yes, is my answer." she said estatic. "I would love to be your girlfriend Hunter Luke Britain Livingston," she said smiling big. "But I don't think I won't be your boyfriend after all the things Dylan told me about girls," I said will a look of sadness. Lily had a look of disbelief on her face as tears began to form in her eyes. "I'm just kidding, Lily," I said while laughing. She hit my arm playfully. "I'm never going to let you go," I said to her looking her in the eyes. "And I'm never going to let you," she said while smiling at me. I picked her up and spinned her around before I had gently laid my lips onto hers. That kiss was the most perfect kiss that I have ever had. I thought to myself looking at Lily saying in my mind that this beautiful girl Lily is mine forever.

Author's Note
So this chapter is pretty lengthy but I knew it was great. So what do you think about Lily and Hunter beginning of their love life? Or Dylan's knowledge of love? Just leave comments and let me know what you thought of this chapter. I hope you are enjoying this book so far and there are many more chapters to come, so remember to remain updated and I talk to you guys later. Love you all fans!!!XOXO XO
Next Update: One week or sooner

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