Bantaro Chiyomatsu (Part One)

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"Ban-chan?! Where are you hiding?" You peeked through the bush and saw no one not even a single foot print of where may have walked through. You were bored so Bantaro suggested that you both would play hide and seek but of course— he told you that you'll be the one seeking which... you were kind of bad at it. "Ban-chan! Please come out?" You began to pout. "Nope~" You hear his voice not too far away.

He's at the roof top! How can you be so forgetful when that was his favorite place? You decided to make him a rice ball with his favorite filling, (Random Filling Flavour). You began to walk up the ladder with one hand while the other is holding the plate full of rice balls.You sucessfully reached the roof top to see excactly no one. "Mou~ Where are you Ban-chan?" You look left and right to still find him invisible. You feel someone snake his hands onto your waist so you wouldn't fall to the ground.

"Ban-chan?" You turn you head around to see Bantaro sweating which made him look hot. He uses his left hand to flick his hair back which... turns you on. "Am I imagining things?" You began to mutter to yourself, blushing. "No you're not (First Name)~ It's just that I'm hot that's why your blushing~" Bantaro whispers in your ears sweetly as he places his chin on the crook of your neck.

"S-shut up...." You lightly slap his face, making the palm of your hand full of his sweat. "Ittai (First Name)... that really hurts." He dramatically act. "I need a kiss~" Bantaro gives you a kissy face which you turned your head away. "Hmph! No." You cross your arms and pout. "Aww~ Come on (First Name)." He pokes your cheeks. "You haven't eaten my rice balls yet so I'm not giving you any!" You pout once more.

"I'll take one then. Itadakimasu~" Bantaro did a japanese prayer before taking a bite from the rice ball you made. "It's really delicious (First Name)! It even has my favorite filling!" He compliments. "You're the best girlfriend ever!" He kisses you on the cheek with some rice balls still inside his mouth which your face probably has some right now. "Don't kiss people while you're still eating!" You wipe your cheek with his jacket's sleeve which he didn't mind since he loves you~

You slightly shivered from the cold air since it was slightly turning darker and darker. "We better get inside (First Name)." He carries the plate of rice balls and lets you climb down the ladder first. As Bantaro follows behind you, you landed with a back flip.

"That was amazing (First Name)!" He compliments for the second time. "But I bet you can't do this~" He does a back flip. "You just did the same thing Ban-chan." You told him. "Nope~ I have this plate of rice ball on my hands and it didn't even fall." He shows off. "Then... that's really cool! Teach me!" You began pinching him on the cheeks so he can teach you tricks. "You want to be my dog (First Name)? I'll name you Banny!"

"No!! I mean teach me tricks! I don't like the sound of Banny!"

"Tricks are for dogs but acrobatics is for humans."

"Come on Ban-chan~"

"Unless you give me a kiss, I'll teach you. I need a kiss from you (First Name)~"

You started shifting closer to him and kiss him lightly on the cheeks. "I've been dying to kiss you and you give me this? (First Name)~" Bantaro whines and hugs you. "Fine." You give in. You give him a kiss on the lips. You were aboutto pull away but Bantaro hold his hands on the nape of your neck, pushing your head slightly as the kiss gets more passionate. Oh how the kiss became intense as you both enter the house... along with the roar of thunder so no one can hear you scream Ban's Name :D

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