chapter two: dear nightmare

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a/n: it's 2 - something in the morning, and the same old nightmare is keeping me awake.

dear nightmare,

why do you have to visit me every night? i know you just want to make me upset, and i know that's your job... but why must it be every single night? i like to sleep, i need sleep as much as the next person. you've caused me to be an insomniac because i am so afraid of you that i make myself stay awake each night in hopes that you will pass without bothering me. i just don't understand why it's me of all people that you choose to invade. i know i don't always do the right thing, but i know that i do try my hardest to right all my wrongs. does this make me deserving of your terror? please, tell me what i do to deserve your reign every night, and i will stop doing it. i don't like you, nightmare, and i wish you could just go away. you're always so ugly and mean to me... why do you want to hurt me? if there was anything that i could do to make you go away, i would do it in a heartbeat. i don't like you, we are not friends. we will never be friends. you are mean and ugly and you bring nothing to my world except cold and darkness. i don't want you to be in my life anymore nightmare, please just go away.

without any love at all,


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