chapter five: dear bullies

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dear bullies,

I truly hope you feel fantastic about who you are as a person as you tear down others. I mean, honestly, who gave you the right to have the power to make others feel any less of themselves? Do you think the world owes you something? In my opinion, which is unimportant, but nonetheless, in my opinion, you deserve nothing. Well, actually, I take that back. All you deserve is the feeling that you give that kid that you pick on, or that adult you pick on. Bullies aren't cool, and I don't know when the world started believing the illusion that being tougher than someone determined your social status. Another thing, if you think you're so "tough" you are 100% wrong. If you really want to know what tough is, why don't you try living a day as someone who gets bullied. It's not fun on the other side of the spectrum. I don't know what gratification that you get from belittling others, but I just want you to know that you are probably the reason that some kids have suicidal thoughts, because they want it to stop. But hey, if you can live with that and sleep peacefully at night, then that's your own bad karma to deal with, right? I just hope that it comes where it is due. I only pray to God that you wake up from your own nightmare one day. 



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