Chapter1- Are you serious?!

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Nicole's POV

It's just the start summer here in California, and I woke up to my annoying alarm clock.

"I really need to change that" I say out loud, as I get up to look at my self in my vanity mirror. "Daaaang I'm a disaster!" I say astonished as I sit down on my blue vanity chair and start brushing my light brown hair that ends a few inches above my waist.

Next I put on my mascara and cover any blemishes I have with concealer.

I take one last look to make sure my bright blue eyes are perfect and walk over to my closet. I pull out a pair of high waisted jean shorts and a light blue crop top. I then open my door and smell the wonderful scent of bacon!!

I run down the stairs and am surprised I haven't gotten attacked by my older, annoying, goofy, wannabe, did I say annoying brother.

I spot the bacon and see my mom cooking the rest of our breakfast. "Good morning sweetie! How'd you sleep?" She asked "Actually great! But where's bubby?" I ask (bubby is what I call cam)

"I don't know" she said with a slight chuckle "nope you know exactly where he is! Where's that brat!??" I yell. *click* and immediately I feel the sting of a nerf bullet on my right shoulder blade.

As I turned around I yelled "You better run before I kick your butt!" As I notice he has his phone out most likely taking a vine of me I yell "That's it!!" I chase him into the living room and grab a pillow. He laughs and I have him pinned on the couch. As I'm pounding him with the pillow he yells in surrender "aight, AIGHT I'm done I'm done. You've got me!" He chuckles. I get up and give him a hand. "I knew something was up! Your usually in my room before I wake up!" I laugh. "I know I really wanted to surprise you this time tho" he said.

He then shows me the video and we laugh watching it over a few times.

"Breakfast!!" My mom yells from the kitchen. As we walk in my mom puts the last plate on the table. We sit down in our spots and eat.

"Omg this bacon is killer." I say while devouring the crispy bacon. "Well it's made by the best!" Cam says referring to our mom. After a few minutes of eating my mom says "So Nikki, Cameron has something he wants to tell you!"

"What is it?!" I say excited but nervously. "Well, you know how I'm on that tour called Magcon? Well I'm leaving tomorrow and will be gone for 2 months, and well they said I could bring a family member with me and so..." Before he could say anything else I hollered  "YES! YES YES I will! I will I will. But Are you serious?!" "Yes but what if I said I was bringing Sierra? I'm not but what if I was?" He said with a chuckle "well I would beg for you to bring me!" I replied "Okay, and you know how your vine and famous already right?" He asked

"Yeah. Whhhhhhy?" I asked confused "Well you will have a lot of fans on the tour with us, meaning you can come on stage for the Q&A's and some performances and the meet and greets too!" Cam explained "Oh mah lord ARE YOU SERIOUS??!?!" I yelled excitedly "why would I tell you if I wasn't? Oh and some of the boys on the tour are you age and said they are fans of your's and vines!"

"pfft no big deal." OKAY YES BIG DEAL. YES BIG DEAL!!! I can't believe this is happening.

It's cool that some of them are fans of me.

Cameron's POV

After telling Nicole about her coming on the Magcon tour I knew she'd be excited. "Okay well we have a lot of planning to do so let's eat and then we will talk"

We finished eating and me and Nikki went into the living room and talked about everything.

After telling her the boring details of Magcon I told her our plans for today and tomorrow. "Okay Nike." (That's my nickname for her) " After we are done talking I want you to go pack all your clothes in your suitcase." "Bubby my suitcase it tiny tho. How am I suppos..."

She questions as I pull out a large light blue PINK suitcase with the extra bags inside, that come along with it.

"Awwwww cam!! You didn't."

"Oh but I did, go pack"

(I'm sorry if it's a long ass chapter but I wanted to start this story of with a good start. The next 2-3 chapters will be about the next day and the plane ride and then getting settled in their hotel. "Settled"😂 oh and comment if you are liking or loving the story yet!)

Nicole's POV

When Cam pulled the luggage set out I was in awe because I've never had PINK luggage before and a set of it that was that big!

After I thanked Cam I ran upstairs and started packing.

As I was packing I started to think about all the plans I made with my friends over the summer and I got bummed out. And this guy I really like was talking to me about making plans to hangout with me over the summer.

Well I guess I do have one month after Magcon to be with my squad and Dylan. (the guy I like is Dylan , oh and we have a 3 months summer!) I also thought about my mom and when if get to see her. I'm sure she will come to visit where we are. "FINALLY! 4 hours or packing and planning I'm done!" I yelled and then cam walked in.

"It took you that long?" He asked

"Well duh?! I have a lot of clothes! And cam I only have 250 dollars saved, will that be enough?" I questioned

"It should be, and I have my savings as well so there's no need to worry" he confirmed.

After a while of telling my squad and Dylan I won't be around for 2 months, I posted on my social media that I was going I the tour and If any of my fans where going to be there that I would be doing a Q&A with the boys, performing because I can also sing, and the meet and greet/pictures!

So many of my fans told me what Magcon the were going to, and that they are starting posters and that they can't wait to see me.

As I was on twitter I noticed Jacob satorious posted a tweet that said- Can't wait for Magcon starting next week! Can wait to see you guys there.

Then the next post was also - Can't wait to get to know Nicole! @nicoledallas! Wait what? I'm really not that special. But it's cool, at least I'll have a friend.

After dinner I wanted to get a extra good sleep so I had a shower and blow dried my long soft hair and then put on a Cameron Dallas ball tee and a pair of Nike pros and laid down and got on my phone and my squad chat with my friends saying "don't forget about us and FaceTime us when you have time and introduce us to the guys!"

This is also my time. I won't forget about them but their being quite selfish. But really the question on my mind is. Are.You.Serious? And I fell right asleep.

Sorry is was a long chapter but I really hope you liked it!! I'm now on spring break so I will be posting and updating a lot so keep reading for more and comment who you guys want Nicole to be friends with first. Jacob, Hunter, Blake, or Brandon?

please share this story with your friends and I hope you loved it! Love you guys 💕

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