Chapter 4- Finally

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We got to the hotel and all I could say was "finally!" Before the three of us walked in cam handed us sunglasses and a hoodie. We put them on and walked in. It was a beautiful hotel! We checked in a made our way to the 5th floor. We were walking down the hallway and I could hear screaming laughter and running. "They are so loud! When we get in I'll introduce you to everyone!" Cam said with his arm around my shoulders. Jacob put his room key into the door and opened it. A guy who looked my age ran past screaming "HUNTER!! Stop! I have to pee!" And another guy I assumed was Hunter Rowland ran past with a pillow. We all laughed and walked into the room.

"Oh my lanta! It's so nice in here!" I said "we get the best of the best!" Cam confirmed. We walked into the living room where Taylor and Aaron were watching tv. "Guys this is my little sister, Nicole! She's fourteen so hands off!" He laughed and smirked "hi I'm Aaron! Nice to meet you!" And he pulled me in for a hug "Hi I'm Nicole nice to meet you too!" And then right after Taylor jumped up and said "nice to meet you I'm Taylor. Your brother talks about you all the time!" He also pulled me in for a hug. After saying hi to them we moved on to another room.

Brandon's POV

Me and the guy were running around and laughing when I saw a really pretty girl walk in the door with Cam and Jacob. I recognized her from and vine. I decided I to sit in my room to take a break from everyone for a few minutes. 10 ish minutes later I heard a knock on my door. It was Cam and Nicole. "Hi! You must be Nicole! Nice to meet you!" I didn't no whether to shake her hand or to hug her so I hugged her. "Yeah I am Nicole! How'd you know?!" She questioned "I've seen some of your musical.lys and vines!" After we said hi they left to go meet the other guys. I decided to go ask Jacob if he's made friends with her. "Hey Jacob." "Hey brandon what's up?" "Nothing much. So have you made friends with Nicole?" I asked "yeah! She sat beside me on the plane here. Have you?" "Not yet but I'm intending to! She's so pretty." "Oh yeah I know right."
Cam had just finished introducing her to the other guys and we looked over and saw Hunter flirting with her. A chill went through my body, because I really liked her even though I didn't know her that well I felt as if I've known her all my life. I didn't want my brother to like her but obviously he does.

After talking with Jacob for a few minutes I walked over to Hunter and Nicole and said "hey guys what's up?" "Nothing really were just talking about the tour" Hunter replied and smiled at Nicole. "Yeah it sounds like a blast!" Nicole confirmed "it really is! Especially when there's a new person along with us." As me and hunter tried one up-ing each other  Cam yelled "Nikki! Carter and Blake are here! Come say hi" "okay I'll talk to you guys later. Cam said the hotel restaurant reserved a private room for dinner for us so I'll see you guys after!" And she ran off. H=Bold B= Normal "Hunter do you like her?!" I asked him "No duh she's hot why wouldn't I" He chuckled "Well so do I so don't push me away from her and besides, She's my age and your a year older than her." "Brandon, age is only a number. We all have a chance, and it's not like I would ask her out in the first week of knowing her." "I guess your right." I said pissed and stormed away.

Nicole's POV

"Hey Bubby! So who am I meeting?" "Bubby??! Omg that's a great name!" A really hot Asian yelled while laughing "Nike this is Carter and Blake" Cam said "Hi carter, hi Blake" "Hi! Your the really pretty girl right? Oh wait I mean uhhh.."Blake said embarrassed. I giggle and said "Yeah! I've seen some of yours too! Your really good!" "Really?! Thanks, your better at them than me though." "Your welcome. And thanks" We smiled at each other and then Cam and Carter were smirking at as. "What?!" Me and Blake said at the same time, we looked at each other and laughed. Me and cam said bye and cam showed me who I was staying with. (Basically the older guys or the original magcon boys had one hallway with their own rooms and the younger/newer magcon boys had their own hallway with their own rooms but it was all in one big room/ floor. Nicole was with the newer magcon boys in their hallway but also her own room)  Cam showed me where he was staying and explained who was in his hallway just in case I needed him. Next he showed me the hallway I was staying in and showed me which room each guy was staying in. When I opened my door my mouth dropped because of how luxurious it was. I had my own king sized bed, a walk in closet, and a very modern bathroom. "OH MY LANTA! Cam this is almost to much but I love it!" "Well since its your first time on the tour all the younger guys decided to give you the best room in this hallway!" "Wow." And that's all that I could say. I'm so lucky to have made all these awesome friends. I honestly don't deserve it, but I love it. I turned around and hugged cam. I whispered to him "Cam thanks for bringing me with you. I can already tell this is gonna be a great two months." "Your welcome. Get ready though because we're going to dinner soon." I replied okay and went to grab my luggage and put it all in my closet an then placed the rest of my stuff in the bathroom.
I began to get ready when I heard a knock on my door. I went to the door and Hunter was standing there. "Hey!" I said "Hi Nicole. So I was wondering if you wanted to sit by me at dinner?" "Sure! That sounds great!" "Okay. Oh and I really wanted to say I'm glad you decided to come on the tour. Cam always talks about you and you seem like an awesome girl." By the time he finished talking I was blushing. "Aw thanks Hunter." And I gave him a hug. He hugged me back and said bye. When I closed the door I squealed and butterflies ran through my stomach. Already I know three guys think I'm pretty and I think Brandon does too because when cam left me and Hunter to talk he seemed really jealous of his brother. Oh well I guess we'll have to see.


Hopefully you guys liked this chapter and I tried to make it so eventually the four boys would try and win Nikki over. Keep reading to see what happens at dinner. Remember to tell your friends about my book. Love you guys.💕

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