Chapter 3: Gaurdian

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After a bit of discussing where to go they finally agreed on the Hatters house.

His dad wasn't home yet so they could take and hide her until they came up with a good excuse.

They snuck through the woods and stopped at a latter.

The wooden latter went all the way up into the tree's. It was here that lead to the tree tops where several homes were hidden in the trees, but this wasn't their destination.

The small huts were just a cover for the real town.

He pushed the latter out of the way and walked into the tree.

A flash of light enveloped him and then it disappeared leaving him standing in the middle of town.

He didn't hesitate when all of a sudden little buildings appeared in front of him, he just kept walking.

Most of the people were out hunting or doing some other important things, but there were a few more that were hanging out.

The Hatter hugged the girl closer to him, trying to hide her from the others.

Ever since 'the order', all women and girls were killed.

The Hatter didn't want anybody to see the fragile being in his arms.

He had never seen a girl before. He only had the story's his dad told him about his mother. In fact, not many people in his town remembered or even knew what a girl was like.

His friend followed through behind him and had to run to catch up to him.

They flew through town quickly and was in front of the Hatters house in no time.

The Hatter quickly walked through the door and his friend shut it.

He took the girl and laid her down on his bed.

'Good thing my room is clean' he thought to himself.

He walked out and shut the door behind him, letting out a sigh.

"You sure bringing her here is the right thing to do?" His friend asked.

"Don't worry Marc, I got it covered. I'm sure my dad will understand."

Marc shook his head, "Ok, but what happens when Dee and Dum go and tell the queen there is another girl?"

"Look, its not going to happen agai-"

"But what if it does Hatter?!" Marc sharply cut him off, "What if it does?........You were younger than me back then....You don't remember the things that happened."

The Hatter hung his head. "I know. I don't remember anything about that day, but.........." He looked back at his door, "I can turn out right this time..."

Hatter looked back at Marc, "I think that we can change things here for us and for all of wonderland."

Marc shook his head, "Your crazy."

"But you haven't given me a reason not to trust you yet."

The Hatter smiled.

"But!" Marc pointed at him, "What ever happens to her isn't my problem. My problem is keeping you alive."

The Hatter chuckled, "Fair enough."

The two walked into the kitchen and Marc made tea while the Hatter set up a game of cards.

"Feeling lucky today spades?" Marc plopped down into the chair next to the Hatter and set down the tea.

"Please, even a fourth leaf couldn't help you clover." The Hatter chuckled.

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