Chapter 11: All Hail the Queen! Part 1

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The Queen sat up in her bed suddenly, sweat sticking to her forhead.

She took a deep breath and let it out, trying to calm her beating heart. Then quickly removing the sweat, she called out for a gaurd.

A man wearing armer and a heart shaped helmet walk in and bowed.

"How my I serve you?" he asked still bowing.

"I need you to send a message to the King of Diamonds."

"Yes, my queen." the man replied.

The queen told him the message before quickly sending him away.

"And remember, at midnight."

"Yes my queen." the man bowed again before leaving.

The Queen walked over to her closet and slung open the doors to reveal her long walk in closet.

She walked inside and ran her hand through the long line of silk clothing. The soft, smooth fabric ran through her fingers bringing back old, unwanted memories.

A pair of rich brown eyes flashed in her mind halting her in her steps. She grabbed the fabric that was currently still in her hand, and held it in a death grip as her mind began to travel back to the past.

"I'll always be here for you." he had said.

"Your the only one I could ever love." He had promised.

"LIER!" She screamed as she ripped the fabric she was currently holding.

The Queen fell to her knees with wide eyes as her breaths came in huffs. She held her chest as a single tear fell down her face and pattered on the floor.

"He never loved me." She whispered to herself.

Looking over her shoulder, she saw a box that held the memories of her past.

Slowly getting up, she walked over to the box and pulled it out from the stack of papers that had kept it buried for years. She peeled open the lid only to drop it and the boxes contents onto the floor.

With shaky hands she slowly bent down and picked up a small folded piece of paper that was laying in the midst of it all. She was scared to read the content of it again. It had been so long, but the memory of what she once had compelled her to open it.

Being ever so careful, she unfolded it to reveled a message. She remembered the day he had given it to her, telling her it was a song from another world. She never did believed him, but the song was one she came to love. Just like her love for him...... She shook the thought out of her head.

She had been 16 when she first saw him. It was in a ball celebrating her fathers 40 birthday.

She smiled at the thought.

It had been a fun night. She danced with many boys and even had her first kiss, but the best part was during the last song.

A boy from the Clover house had went up to the live band and handed them music sheets.

She chuckled at the memory of their faces. Their confusion was written all in their eyes, so much so, that the boy had to spent 10 minutes trying to teach them the song.

Eventually, they began playing so the boy walked over to her and bowed.

"My Lady," The boy smiled with his brown hair falling in his eyes. "May I have this dance?" he had asked her.

Of course she had said yes. The boy was rather handsome with his deep brown eyes and chocolate hair. Standing straight up, he was a few inches taller than her and from his looks, he had to be older as well.

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