Chapter 4: Threat

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The Hatter took her outside the city and started walking down a strange looking path. Well more like pulled her.

He never let go of her hand the whole time and she nervously look at it.

"Um.....I'm fine now. You can let go of my hand..."

He stopped and looked at her and then her hand which was being tightly held by his.

"Oh! Uh, sorry." He quickly let go and stepped away blushing.

"Come on, its not much further."

He turned around and started walking again.

"Hey!" She followed behind him, "Where are we going?"

"To a friends house. He has some cloths that u may b able to wear."

"Oh....ok." She awkwardly stood close to him trying not to be left behind.

"So um......thanks, I guess, for you know.... Saving me.....twice."

She nervously pulled at her dress.

'This is so awkward.' She thought to herself, 'why won't he talk back'

"Umm.....My names Allison by the way."



The Hatter stopped and looked at her, "They called me, the Hatter."

"Hatter..." She thought outloud, "Shouldn't you have a hat?"

He twitched and kept walking.

"It was stolen." He said as he walked away.


They walked in silence until the Hatter finally stopped.

"We're here."

Allison looked around, "I don't see anything."

The Hatter smirked, "Good." Then he took a step forward and disappeared.

Allison let out a gasp.

She stuck her hand out to where he was just at and her hand disappeared.

Curiously, she pushed her arm forward and slow it began to disappear.

She pulled her arm and it came back.

"Huh." She looked at her arm and then straight ahead.

She closed her eyes and stepped forward.

When she opened them, the Hatter was smiling at her and she was inside a great hall.

He held his hand out to her and she took it.

He led her through a series of hallways and then pulled her into a room to the right.

"Took you long enough. I thought I was gonna have to go get you myself." Said Marc stepped out from the shadows holding a bunch of different cloths.

He tossed them to the Hatter, "Here, these are for the girl."

"I have a name you know." Allison told him.

"Well I'm sorry you didn't tell me your name." He said sarcastically.

Allison glared at him and the Hatter shook his head.

"Here you go. Can go change in that room over there." The Hatter handed her the cloths and nodded his head behind her.

Allison excepted the cloths and walked to where he nodded.

Once she was inside the little room, Hatter turned to his friend and glared at him.

"What?" Marc shrugged his shoulders.

Hatter rolled his eye, "Nothing."

A few minutes later, Allison walked back out.

She was wearing a pair of light blue pants that were tight around her waste and lose at the bottom around her black boots. Her shirt, that Marc had given her, ended up being to big. It hung down to her knees and fell off her shoulders.

She frowned at the shirt and held it out.

"It's a bit you have anything else that isn't so big?" She looked up at the Hatter.

He shrugged an looked to Marc.

"Maybe, I'll check the other room." Marc said before turning and leaving the room.

As soon as the door shut the Hatter scratched his head, "So did you get here?-I mean like, here, in wonderland..."

"I'm not sure. I just sorta woke up and found myself here."

" uh....guess you didn't particularly like the welcoming comity, huh?"

Allison smiled a little, "Not really, but the company is alright."

The Hatters head popped up at her words, blushing a little.

He was about to respond when Marc walked back in.

"Here." He tossed another bundle of cloths to Allison, "Found these."

Allison held the cloths out in front of her and studied them.

The shirt was almost like a dress. It was long and had sleeves that were almost completely separated from the rest of it. Underneath it, was a pair of black leggings, but these were lacing and had a design of hearts and clovers all over it.

"Oh!" Allison walked back into the room and changed into it leaving the boots on, but handing him back the shirt.

"Much better." She smiled contently.

"Uh...." The Hatter seemed to be dazed until Marc nudged him out of it.

"Oh! Uh sorry, ummm..... you must be hungry, come on I'll go get you some food."

Allison smiled at him making him blush before he left the room.

Allison let out a giggle before following him, but right before she got to the door, a hand reached out and grabbed her arm.

"Look, I don't care who you are or where you came from, but get one thing straight. I'm not doing this for you." Marc whispered into her ear with a deadly tone, "I'm doing this for the Hatter. I don't care what happens to you. If it comes down to it, I will kill you myself if it means saving him."

Marc roughly released her arm and walked away leaving a wide eyed Allison behind.

Her breath caught in her throat as she realized just how serious things have gotten. This was a race for survival. One bad draw of the cards could be the end of her.

The Hatter popped his head around the door, "Hey Allison, you coming?" He saw her face and frowned, "Are you ok?" He took a step into the room.

Marcs words echoed in her head one last time before she shook them out.

"Ya." She gave him a warm smile, "Sorry, I was just having a last minute thought. I'm starving, which way was the food?" She quickly walked past him into the hallway leaving him to catch up.

She needed to find a way out of this place fast.


Wow guys this took longer than expected....

So anyway sorry about the wait, HIGH SCHOOL IS A PAIN IN THE BUTT! Seriously, I'm having to do all this stuff and I'm just like "MAKE IT STAHP!!"

Hope you liked this chapter and hopefully the next one wont take as long.


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