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Hey readers! I somehow used the Ours music video by the one and only TSwift as reference for this imagine. Yes, I'm Swiftie! Wieee HAHA. Enjooooy =D

Ours (Ki Hong)

I lazily pressed the 10th floor button in the elevator, I went inside the crowded elevator bumping into strangers but not minding it. I'm feeling down because I miss my boyfriend, he's in Korea right now, studying for his acting career. At first, I thought I'll survive this world even if he's far away, I did survive. Just barely though. 

I exit the elevator and went to my cubicle, I fixed the table and saw a picture of us. It was our first date, I was holding a strawberry ice cream in a cone while he is holding a caramel ice cream in a cone and we are laughing about stupid little things. I smile at the memory and I start to work with my papers after 4 hours I stood up and went to the dispenser to get water. I went to the printer and printed some files then I remembered the day we were goofing around your background, I was watering the flowers when you suddenly picked me up, I was shocked that day but felt I was also flying so high that I don't wanna go down again. 

I giggle and picked the printed papers and left it at my table. I looked at the time and my eyes go wide. I packed up my things and ran to the elevator smiling while receiving looks from some random people but I just think 

"They judge it like they know about me and you." 

I laugh because they know nothing about us. I ran outside the elevator and high fived the guard who smiled. I wait at a bus stop still grinning while waiting and climbing the bus, I sat the empty chair across a mother and child. 

The child smiled at me while I smile back then I found a video in my phone, the video plays and it shows you kissing me, doing cute faces, hugging me, saying I love you. While me, I giggle at everything you do and I kiss you everytime you say I love you. I can't help but smile, my cheeks are already hurting too. 

I put my phone in the bag and looked at the window, and can't help but daydream about you, because I miss you so much. The bus stopped at the airport and I ran outside the bus and hurriedly crossed the street to reach the airport. 

I went inside looking for you, I kept searching and I almost lost hope but then I see you running towards me with that cute grin and I ran to you, you drop your bags as I do the same and we hug and kiss in the middle of the airport. People looking at us, whispering, judging us, hating or loving on us but I don't care and I know you feel the same. 

For these moment, I feel that its just the two of us, kissing and hugging. We pull away and looked at each other with love in our eyes. "This love is yours and mine only. In short, this love is OURS."

Ki Hong Lee/Minho Imaginesssss!Where stories live. Discover now