Chapter 1

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"Doshianique!! Get your scrawny ass down here!! And help me load the car!" I sighed "Ben! I cant fucking find anything to wear!!!" I could just see him rolling his eyes and sighing I heard him trudging up the stairs, and I found the jeans I wanted to wear, I had my hair and makeup done I just needed a top! Ben laughs "Doshianique pick any top!" I rolled my eyes "ben, it has to be the right top" he groaned "fine!" we sorted through the tops I hadn't packed yet and he picked a skull one....not bad benny boy...not bad at all I thought to myself I thanked him and he packed the rest of my tops and left to go back downstairs, I hurried and put the top on and took one last look in the mirror, perfect! I took a deep breath and ran down the stairs were mum was waiting (yes I call her mum) I hugged her "I'm going to miss you so much" she laughed "I'm going to miss you too, I know you'll be safe, just try and keep an eye on hairy over there" I laughed and the car honked outside, I sighed and pecked her on the cheek "I will, no worries!" I yelled as I ran outside and hopped into the passenger seat, ben started driving and I was so anxious to get there I thought I was going to explode!! I groaned "Ben can't you drive faster!" he laughed and replied very sarcastically "yes doshianique because if I drive faster we will only get pulled over and then end up missing our flight" I rolled my eyes "a simple no would suffice" he laughed and I did too, when we finally got to the airport I grabbed as many bags as I possibly could and put them in the baggage area, I got seated in seat F23 I smiled, window seat, bonus! I sat down and closed my eyes waiting for takeoff, someone sat down next to me so I opened one of my eyes expecting it to be my annoying brother and I was right I sighed and closed my eye and drifted off into dream land. I woke up to ben's snoring....fantastic I mentally slapped him, his snoring became so bad I plugged his nose until he made a weird face and snorted I laughed so hard a got a couple of stares but oh well, anyway by the time the plane landed I was so tired, luckily some of the crew from warped met us and carried our things to our motel, I was so happy to get my own bed, we ordered pizza and breadsticks, when it came I pigged out and ben took a shower, I can't believe in just 14 and a half hours I meet Denis, I have been so nervous, I don't like meeting new people, unless its fans of ben's or mine, believe it or not I have fans too, it's amazing to me that I could have fans, I know if it wasn't for ben and the fact I know the band I wouldn't have any but still, I did... anywho I climbed onto the bed and fell asleep once more, this time bens dinosaur noises didn't wake me! I woke up and looked at my phone, 7 am you have got to be kidding me! I got up and showered, I got dressed in this outfit and did my hair and make-up, once I liked how I looked I put the stuff away and went out to the room, I ordered up blueberry and chocolate chip waffles along with coffee, the bell rang to our room and I welcomed the lady in, she put the stuff on the table and I thanked her and went over to ben's bed, he looked so peaceful sleeping, to bad I didn't care, I took a deep breath and got close to his ear "BENJAMIN PAUL BRUCE GET YOUR BRITISH FANNY UP AND MOVING!" he about fell off the bed and I started laughing so hard my sides hurt, he went into the bathroom while I ate my breakfast and checked my instagram, I saw Denis tagged me in post, I clicked on it and my heart fluttered, haha I guess you could say I had a fangirl moment, ok scratch that I had a HUGE fangirl moment! It was a picture, in fact it was the most recent picture of myself that I had posted to my instagram, I read what he put "Ben's little sister comes out today so fucking stoke to meet this one ;) give her a follow would ya?" I liked it and went back to my notifications, and he had followed me too, ben coughed into my ear and I dropped my waffles on the floor, he started snickering and I practically jumped to my feet and punched him in the arm "what was that for?! You giant bag of dicks!!" he continued his laughing fit until there was a knock at our door, I went to see who it was, it was the band's manager, I let him in and he told us the bus was here. Oh. My. God. This was it, I approached the bus and knocked, no answer, then the manager came out and laughed "you're the first one's" I smiled and mouthed a thank you to him as I went in, ben carried in the stuff and I went to the back and started unpacking, the bus took off and I fell, I heard ben laughing and mentally flipped him off, just as all my stuff got packed the bus stopped and I heard James I smiled and ran to the front of the bus and tackled him into a hug, he laughed "Doshianique!" I smiled "James!! How I missed my kitten!" he laughed and we sat down and ben and him started talking, I got up and went over to the driver "who are we picking up next?" he smiled at me "ben told me specifically not to tell the little brunette who was being picked up when" I rolled my eyes "I'm going to kill him" that earned me a chuckle from the driver "ok, I'll tell the police I didn't hear or see anything" I laughed and walked into the back of the bus where all the guitars were, I hooked one up and the bus stopped, I fell into the wall, I growled and the door opened, I was too lazy to close it so I left it open, I began to play a softer version of "The Black" my all-time favorite song, I felt like I was being watched so I looked up to see Denis getting a water from the fridge, he was looking at me, our eyes met and I felt like my heart exploded, he smiled and I smiled back, he mouthed the words "You're really good" he then turned away and walked back to where ben and James were, the bus stopped once more and it was Cameron, it was already midnight and I was beat! I trudged upstairs and plopped into my bunk, I rolled over and fell asleep almost instantly, I woke up to ben yelling along to "Hot Blooded" by foreigner, I groaned and opened my curtain and Kaitlyn (my bff) grabbed, my hand and we started jumping around like idiots, I laughed and danced with her in till the song was over, afterwards I grabbed my stuff and ran to the bathroom and got into the shower, I washed everything and hopped out, then I dried off and put on my favorite pair of shorts, with the glittery skulls on the back pockets, and the pockets are lined with little studs, I also put on a bra and a AC-DC muscle tank top, I blow dried and straightened my hair, I then put on my favorite color lipstick, added some eyeliner, and mascara, then I put on my asking necklace, and my star earrings, once I was happy I opened the door and grabbed my dirty clothes and put them in the laundry pile, I walked out into the kitchen to see Fred, their manager, he smiled and handed me my coffee and he handed me a bowl or fruity pebbles, my favorite, I happily ate and drank my breakfast, then the tour bus door opened and Cameron came over to me "hop on my back" I raised an eyebrow "huh?" "You heard, me hop on my back" I shrugged and hopped on his back, he got off the bus and ran with me to the shark stage and then he finally put me down "we have the first set of the day, then we go to a lake, that Sam knows about where people usually never go, sounds like a plan to me, anyway, Cam hugged me and went onstage, then James, then Sam, then ben, except ben managed to give me a wet willy, oh, he's getting his at the lake, Denis was already onstage, I have been dying to talk to that man.....

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