Chapter 3

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I sighed "So, who's on what team" "Me and you are team 1, Cam and Sam are team 2, and Denis and James are team 3" "What does the winner get?" ben smiled "I'll tell you, if we win" I nodded and we heard a voice on the intercom "The game has begun, may the odds be ever in your favor" I rolled my eyes, and me and ben left the closet, but we left it open, ben went to the game room and I made my way downstairs and heard Sam, I shot blindly and I heard him grunt and say he's out, I laughed and water shot by my head, I ducked down then I heard James yelling at ben, then I heard ben laughing and then Cam yelling, then I heard Denis laughing, then I heard Ben "Where's Doshianique?" then I heard Denis "Oh, James, I got this" and then I heard him coming down the stairs and I sprayed and heard him laugh "Missed me" then I heard him slip, I laughed out loud by accident, then he turned on the light and I whipped around, he had me at gunpoint "It's over Doshianique" I smirked "It's never over Stoff" "Drop your weapon" "You gonna shoot me anyways" he smirked "Drop it" "Ok fine, you win, you win, I am slowly gonna lay it on the floor" but I shot at him and dove out of the way, he laughed "Ok, you got me" I stood up smiling quit proud seeing his wet shirt, and ben laughed "I hope you know, that little moment is now on insta" I smiled "evil" and Denis chuckled "Ben might be evil, but I'm sinister" and with that he took his nerf gun and sprayed me, we sprayed each other until our guns were empty and Denis turned to Cam "Hey Cameron, take our picture" Cam nodded and got his phone out and Denis crouched down "On my back little lady" I rolled my eyes and hopped on, Denis was smiling and I was mid laugh, the photo did turn out really adorable, "Hey cam, send that to me please" he nodded "Sure thing Doshia" I smiled and followed ben, Sam, Cam, and James upstairs but Denis called me, literally called me, on my phone, I picked up "Denis, what do you want now" "I'm on the roof, come join me I have music and food" I hung up and got off the bus, hey we were at the next stop, I climbed the ladder to the top to see Denis sitting with a little radio on the rock station along with Vanilla and cherry Pepsi, spicy Cheetos and some Jack Daniels, I laughed "Denis what is this?" he looked up and smirked "It is called fun, you should try it sometime" I rolled my eyes "Oh really, you think I'm not fun, ok I see how it is" I turned to leave "You know what I meant" I turned back around "I know, but why couldn't we of done this inside" "Because we can't be on the roof inside" I smiled "Fair enough" I finally sat down and he mixed the two drinks and handed a cup to me, I scrunched my face "That's gross" "Try it, it's good" I tried it and I hate to say it, but it was good, I smiled "It is good" I smirked "Told ya so" I nodded and we ate Cheetos and drank the Pepsi and then all of a sudden Denis got up "I'll be right back" I nodded and he left his phone, it was on and I went to camera and took lots of funny and cute selfies 

~Denis P.O.V~

I come back from filling water balloons for our off day today and I see Doshianique taking photos with my phone "You look cute when you do that" she jumped and I laughed and she cleared her throat and stood up "Here you uh left this" I smiled "Thanks but we should really keep them up here" she raised an eyebrow and the water balloon I had behind my back I threw it at her and she hopped off the bus and I climbed down the ladder after her, I heard her and Sam laughing and then I heard her "BOMBS AWAY!!!" and next thing I knew the entire bowl of water balloons were dumped on me, I saw her running so I took off after her and she went to the slip n slide, we both went on it and the water was cold but she was still laughing, she is so adorable in her shorts and tank top, we both got out and she smiled "I'm hungry" "For?" she shrugged "What do you recommend sir Denis?" I rolled my eyes playfully "Teriyaki chicken sounds bomb" she giggled "Ok, on one condition" "hm?" "Afterwards we go see Sleeping with Sirens perform, and you have to put me on your shoulders so I can see" "How about we go see them perform from the side stage" she pointed a finger at me "You better not be messing with me" I laughed and put my hands up in mock defense "I'm not, I'm not" she smiled "Good" we were walking to the food tent when 3 girls came up to me "we don't mean to bother you but can we have a photo?" I nodded and Doshianique took the photos for them and before they left the tallest one smiled "We totally ship it" Doshianique was about to protest so I slung my arm around her "I do to" then the other girls both asked us if we were dating and she laughed "No, we're just best friends" then I had an idea "Would you guys mind taking a picture of us?" I tossed them my phone and Doshianique shook her head no "Denis, I'm wet and don't have make-up on" I sighed "I'm wet too and believe it or not I don't have on make-up either" she laughed and sighed "Fine" I smiled and kissed her cheek and the photo came out perfect, she was blushing like crazy in the photo and I laughed "This one's a keeper" and I posted it on Twitter, I thanked the girls and we arrived at the food tent and got our chicken, I persuaded her to get the spicy one even though she complained it would hurt her stomach, we walked around until she spotted Kellin Quinn, she took off running and he wasted no time flirting with her, she didn't take an interest though, thank god, after a while she came back over to me "Denis I feel like I'm going to be sick" I helped her back to the bus and all the guys were out and left a note to tell us not to look for them, although I already knew where they went for I was the one who sent them away, I laid her on the couch and got her a bucket and gave her pepto and she ate crackers and peanut butter, while we watched the middle

~Doshianique P.O.V~

I ended up falling asleep, when I woke up Denis was asleep sitting up and snoring, I laughed and poked his face until he woke up, he laughed "Oh no, it's awake" I slapped his arm "Denis, I wasn't really feeling sick, well my stomach did hurt but I mainly wanted to get away from kellin and spend time with you, are you mad?" he smiled "Of course I'm not mad, and I like spending time with you too" I smiled "good" and with that I snuggled up to him and went back to sleep, when I woke up I was in my bunk, I yawned and got out, a hit the floor with a soft thud and went downstairs, and started watching the Simpsons when someone's hands covered my eyes "guess who" I laughed "hmm, give me a hint" I could almost hear the smirk on his face "well, he's pretty hot" I giggled "Channing Tatum" he uncovered my eyes "very funny" he plopped down next to me and we sat facing each other "Hey Doshianique" "yes?" "Come here" "Denis, you're right there" he sighed and scooted closer "Will you be my girlfriend?" I sighed "Denis, I don't believe in love remember?" he rubbed the back of his neck "Then let me show you" he then just kissed me and pulled away "please?" I nodded yes and he smirked


(A/N sorry this story is so short, I plan to make more and this one was short because I felt like I moved to fast, and stuff, so please comment what you liked and what you didn't so I can make better ones, thank you all so much for reading!!)

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