chapter 2

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I watched from the side along with Kaitlyn (Kellin Quinn's lover and as you know, my best friend) afterwards, I got hugs from everyone, except Denis, he wasn't there, I asked Ben where he went and he just laughed "Aw does someone miss him already?" I punched him in the shoulder "shut up ben!" Cameron laughed from the other side of me and I rolled my eyes "seriously, where is he?" cam smiled "he had to go get some drinks and such for the lake, now come on! We gotta go get changed" we all raced to the bus, I won but I had to find my bathing suit, I ran upstairs into my luggage bunk and I finally found it, after everyone else had changed, I ran into the bathroom and changed into my two piece, it was one Kaitlyn had gotten me for one of my past birthdays, black and the bottoms were plain but the top had neon green winky faces on them, not two big ones mind you, but a bunch of tiny ones, I walked out of the bathroom and saw Denis sitting on the couch in his swimming trunks he was on his phone, I coughed "so uh where are the guys?" he looked up from his phone and stood up and stretched "Waiting outside, ben said you wanted to talk to me?" I scrunched my face up in confusion "uhm, no?" he furrowed his eyebrows and cocked his head to the one side, "oh uh, ok then" I laughed nervously "Denis, right?" he nodded "yeah, you must be Doshianique" I smiled and we walked out of the bus to see the guys waiting, ben did a weird thing with his eyebrows at me and I rolled my eyes in response, we began walking, same and Cameron were in front talking about who knows what, the all of a sudden ben yelled "Piggy back ride!" and jumped onto James' back, I laughed and Sam jumped onto Cameron's and Cameron yelled "You guy's wanna race?!" Ben fist pumped into the air and then Denis stopped in front of my and crouched down "hop on" I laughed "are you sure?" "Yeah, your tiny, you can't be heavy!" I laughed and hopped on, he stood up "Hold on tight" I did and he took off running, the guys protested saying they never gave the ok to start but Denis didn't stop until we reached the lake, he let me down and I started laughing "I don't even see the guys yet" he laughed "Good, then we won" he put his hand up and I high fived him, he smiled and looked around, I did the same waiting for the guys to get here, then he looked over at me, "You look nice" I smiled "Thank you, you don't look to shabby yourself" he smiled and then I heard ben complaining that James was to slow I laughed and Denis grabbed my arm and we went into the tall grass, he was obviously taller than me, he was like 6ft or taller and I am only 5' 3" he tapped me on the shoulder, I turned to look at him, he held up one finger, then two, then three, we jumped out and I jumped on ben's back, Denis was on Cameron and we were all laughing, ben however, dropped me and then picked me back up again only he swung me over his shoulder, I was beating on his back as I saw he was walking towards the water, I very dramatically reached towards Sam and Denis (because Cameron and James were helping ben!) "Help! Sam! Denis! Please!" they laughed and somewhat came to my rescue, Sam speared Cam into the water and Denis's bright idea was to push me and Ben into the water, it was so cold!! Revenge time.......

~Denis POV~

I resurfaced and burst out laughing, ben looked like a drenched poodle, Sam's hair was kind of like Justin Bieber's, James' well looked like James only not to happy, and Cameron was laughing as well, and Doshianique, wait, where is Doshia- next thing I know I'm underwater, I resurface and see a laughing Doshianique, I turned around and dunked her back, she resurfaced and punched me in the arm "Not funny Shaforostov" I smirked, did she really just actually pronounce my name right? Anyway, we all got out of the water and ate some chips and such and then it was finally time for some beer! I opened mine and so did the guys, Ben tossed Doshianique hers and she opened it and it sprayed all over her face, I laughed and she grabbed a different one, ben came over and gave me a thumbs up, what? All of a sudden I was being sprayed! I turned to see Doshianique I started running towards her, she took off into the water, I was following her and now I'm swimming after her, she made it to the other side and got on the land, she started running, I did the same once I reached the land as well, I found her panting "Ok! I surrender! You win!" I laughed "Ok, I'll let you go.....this time" she rolled her eyes and we walked to the water and got in, while we were swimming she asked "So, what's with the owl tattoo?" I smiled "long story, I'll tell you sometime, when you tell me yours" she laughed lightly "Deal" we finally got to land and started back to bus, me and Sam were in the back, Cameron and James ahead of us, and in the very front was Ben and Doshianique, Sam and I were talking about Dasha, and our break-up, he was telling me everything would be ok and yata yata yata, but truth is, I knew it would be, they don't call it mutual decision for nothing 

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