Chapter 8

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"Jimin!!!!" I said while running towards him

"Junghee-ah!" He said

"Where did you come from?" He asked

"I think, i have to tell you something." I said

"Whoa... calm dude. Why so serious?" he asked

"I think... i think..." i said

"Let it out..." he said

"We should date." I said

"Wh-what? What are you talking about? Why?" Jimin asked half-laughing

"Don't laugh!!!" I said

"Kk i won't!" He said

"Jungkook is FAKE dating with Yeri, and i wanna show him that i can live even he's with Yeri." I said

"Ya. They're FAKE dating." He said

"So do we." I said

"I don't wanna fake it." He said

"Wh-what?!" I said

"I said, i don't wanna fake it." He said

"So, you want REAL dating with me huh?" I asked

"Ofc." He said

"You like me?! hahahaha. OH YEAH GOTCHA!" I said

"Ya! Don't be like that! Yes my princess." He said

"Awww... you know what?" I said

"What?" He asked

"I like you too." I said

"You know what?" He asked

"What?" i replied

"Why didn't we date from the first place :"D" he said

"LOL! :v" i said

"Idk why but this is hilarious" he said

"Okay. Soooooo are we official now?" I asked

"Yes." He said

"This is the most hilarious moment i've ever experienced in my life." I said

"Yeah." He said

OKAY. Now, i'm dating with Jimin?! Okay.. i like him though.

"Now, you're mine right?" He asked

"Yep. I'm yours." I said

Idk why but this is so cheesy like a cheese cake of cheese and there's a cheese jams on top of the cheese cake and the one who eat the cheese cake of cheese is a cheese man who loves cheese especially cheese cake okay this isn't funny Junghee.

"Do you wanna go the the garden?" He asked

"Totally!" I said

We went to the garden then we sit on the bench

"The weather is nice huh?" He asked

I smiled and nod

He puts his right arm around my neck and i rest my head on his shoulder

"Junghee-ah, what do you want me to call you?" He asked

"Molla, up to you." I said


What?! Jimin is dating with Junghee?! Argh.

This is all because of Yeri!

Okay, i need to calm down. I hate Junghee, i shouldn't be jealous. Junghee hates me too though.

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