Chapter 26

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"Just spit it out." I said

"I have to tell you the truth." He said

"What is it?" I said

"The truth is..." He said

"The truth is....???" I said

"Um.. Nothing." He said then starts to walk again

"Ya! Minhyuk-ah! Don't lie, i know you hide something from me." I said

"No i'm not, just forget it... It's not important tho." He said

"If it's not important why were you being so serious!" I said

"I was just acting!" He said while laughing

"You jerk." I said

"Aww you mad?" He said

"No i'm not." I said

"Junghee is mad..." He said while pouting

"I'm not mad." I said

"If you're not mad, then... Smile!" He said

"If you won't smile i'll tickle you." He added

"Okay okay! See, i'm smiling right?" I said while smiling

"Gosh i love your smile." He said

"Minhyuk, stop being so cheesy." I said

"I just can't help it." He said

We walk arount the mall and shop some things and Minhyuk bought me many things! He's really nice! He bought me clothes, accessories, and snacks. I really don't know how much i owe him.

And i think i'm feeling something strange, a feeling that i can't really explain. My mind said that i should move on to Minhyuk, but deep in my heart...

I can't forget Jungkook.

I thought i would end being happy with Jungkook and my family for the rest of my life.. But, my expectation is wrong. TOTALLY WRONG. I might end up being alone or... with Minhyuk? HAHHAHAHAHAHAAAAA.... not funny.

"Minhyuk, thank you for today!" I said

"Thank you for today too, next time bring Jaesung! Hahaha." He said

"Okay... I will bring him next time." I said

We went to my apartment and he accompany me untill inside of my house.

"Thank you for today!" I said

He smiles

"See ya later." He said while waving his hands and walks toward his car.

I close the door and went into my living room.

It's 7p.m now, i haven't had a shower.

Wait.. What's this?

Who send me this letter

"Dear Junghee,

Hi, how are you? I hope you're doing fine. I miss you, you know? I can't wait to see you.

I bet you had no idea who am i. Well, you don't have to know... But i think you'll know who i am. maybe.

I miss you so bad, i hope you miss me too. I hope we can meet again. And see you soon.

Mr J "

WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS. I don't understand anything about this letter.

He said that he miss me?! I don't even know who he is. Or this is..

From Jungkook?

Wait what? No, it can't be. Jungkook is dead! I'm so stupid. Dead people can't write letters you idiot. Who's "Mr J" ?? Jimin? No, it can't be. Jimin wouldn't give me this kind of letter lol. Then who?

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