Major Slip up

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         I'm walking quickly down Diagon Alley and looking at my list of supplies. I just got my monster book of monsters, spells grade 3, cauldron, parchment and quill, and a broom care kit. Now if only I can find Madame Malkin's robe shop. ¨Oof!¨ I yell. I just ran into, Harry Potter, uh oh. ¨Hey, are you okay?¨ he asks and helps me up.

¨Yeah, I'm sorry for running into you.¨ I stammer on and pick up my stuff.

¨You're pretty tall for a first year.¨

¨My parents in America were, killed in a fire, then when I was sent to my, aunt, she died of mysterious circumstances. I'm a third year.¨

¨Me too! Do you know who I am?¨

¨No¨ I lie, ¨Why are you important.¨

¨I'm the boy who lived, the kid who killed voldemort, you know the lighting bolt scar.¨ he lifts up his hair and reveals a lightning bolt scar.

¨You know at my school, we were told that you were a fraud, and a horrible person to the world.¨ He looks surprised at this lie. Okay, so yes we were told to hate him because he was the kid who killed the dark lord, but do I care?

¨Do you need some help?¨ he asks.

¨Yeah, I need to find madame malkin's robe shop.¨

¨Follow me.¨ he walks down with me and shows me the spot and waits for me to come out.

¨Do you have an animal companion?¨

¨I had a sna- owl, but it- she died on the way here¨ I fumble with my words and pull down on my right sleeve, ¨What is your wand made out of?¨

¨Holly and phoenix feathers¨

¨Ivory and fossilized dragon's blood.¨

He stared at me and then asked me if I wanted ice cream so we went to this little ice cream place and had some. (Who knew that pumpkin flavored ice cream was this good?)

¨So where did you go to school before Hogwarts?¨ he questions, and his eyes pierce my soul.

¨The, Darwin school of-¨ I start then stop and he stares at me.

¨HARRY!¨ A girl yells running up with an orange haired kid behind her, ¨We looked all over for you, see we tried the leaky cauldron and you weren't there, so we went to flourish and blotts to get the monster book of monsters and the clerk nearly had a heart attack when we asked for two!¨

¨Who's she harry?¨ Orange head with freckles asks.

¨Hi! I'm Emilie Riddles from America I-¨ introducing myself is very hard when brown hair asks you a question,

¨What school did you go to? The North American School of Witchcraft, Salem Witches Academy, Borronduron school for wizard, or Darwin,¨ she shudders the whispers silently, ¨School for Dark Arts?¨

¨I didn't know that your textbooks even had knowledge of Darwin. Yes my parents sent me and my brother their, yes I have been given permission by Professor Dumbledore to attend Hogwarts, yes my parents helped Voldemort, and yes I did just say his name.¨ I state this all with fact and punctuality watching their mouths drop.

¨Well, I'm Hermione Granger and this is Ron Weasley.¨ she points at the orange haired boy, ¨Ron, Harry. Why don't you two go ahead, me and Emilie are going to chat. I'll meet you at the pet store."

" right come on Harry!" Ron says and drags Harry away.

¨So, what did you learn at Darwin?¨ she asks.

¨You have to promise not to tell a soul in any way.¨ I whisper to her.

¨Not a Whisper, Nor a word shall leave my lips.¨

I seem okay with her, but the whole story is like death on my lips. A green flash and a red flash. I only remember flashes of the day I became an only child and an orphan.

¨You don't have to tell me.¨ she says, ¨But I hope you eventually will. We leave for Hogwarts tomorrow and if you want to come with us I'm sure we could fit you in a car.¨

Smiling I thank her. She walks into a pet shop and buys a big orange cat. She's nice, I wonder what her blood type i- no bad me. No thinking about that other place. Tomorrow I have a long walk, so I better start now.

I start walking toward the leaky cauldron when to strange boys pop out of an alley. ¨I'm Fred¨ says the first one, ¨And Iḿ George.¨ goes the second one.

¨We're the Weasley Twins!¨ they both exclaimed.

¨Emilie Riddles, American wizard.¨ I smile at their obvious confusion.

¨We're pleased to meet you, now if you don't mind could you help us with a charm?¨

They needed help with a pin, a head boy pin. We laughed as the pin read BigHead Boy. The next day, I didn't walk to the train Station. I rode in a car.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 07, 2016 ⏰

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