"Who said this was a date?"

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Finally, after what felt like hours, the car came to a stop once it slid into a parking slot. Looking out the window, the bright words of “Perry’s Palace” beamed despite the sun rays flowing all around.

How was that possible? I had no idea.

Unclasping the seatbelt from across my body, I turned to look at Justin. I scrunched my eyebrows together in confusion.

Were we going to leave or?

Feeling my eyes on him, he turned to look at me. “What?” He spat and to think he was finally being un-bipolar. . .

I fought the urge to roll my eyes. “Are we going or not?” I mumbled. If I could punch him freely without having to pay the consequences after, I so would.

“Yeah,” He ducked down, pulling the key from the ignition before stuffing it into his pocket and opening the door, the cigarette he’d been smoking hanging from the side of his lip.

Sighing, I opened the door, stepping out before shutting it a bit harder than I wanted.

“Watch it,” He growled. “That car cost more than everything you own put together.”

I cocked a brow up. “Good to know,” I sarcastically muttered, digging my hands into the pockets of my sweater.

He gave me a side look. “Attitude,” He warned with a wag of his finger in my direction.

I now rolled my eyes. “Whatever.” I looked away.

He took the smoke, throwing it to the ground before grinding it with the sole of his shoe. Cocking his head to the side, towards the diner, he began walking, expecting me to follow behind.

I did, much to my dismay.

Once we arrived inside, we began walking to the back of the diner when his body collided with another which caused mine to knock into his back. I groaned, rubbing my forehead.

“What the f--” I began to curse when I stopped midway, feeling the air between us thicken once I came to realize the other guy standing there.

He was tall, about an inch taller than Justin, if not the same height. He had dark brown hair patted down with a buzz cut and electrifying green eyes. Ones that could hypnotize you with just one glance into them. He had a bit of a muscular build to him and an ass to die for.

Embarrassing to admit this but his was even better than mine.

So not fair.

I pursed my lips to the side, looking between both him and Justin and instantly I felt the tension.

“Danger,” The guy seethed with a smirk. “Fancy seeing you here, eh?”

“Not now.” Justin spoke through gritted teeth, his voice low and deadly and for a moment there, I could have sworn I saw death flash in his eyes.

The hairs on my arms rose immediately.

“When will the time be, mate? When you’ve got your goons on your ass?” He straightened his posture, his body pressing even closer to Justin’s to look even more intimidating.

He would have if Justin didn’t walk even closer, closing the gap between them, his eyes turned to sleets and the veins in his neck showing.

Justin faked a laugh. “Me and you both know I could rip you to shreds with my bare hands.” He dropped his voice down to a whisper.

A few exchanges of dead given words were spoken before the guy walked away and Justin grabbed my elbow, walking down the aisle towards a seat for the two of us to sit in.

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