"I believe my names Justin Bieber bitch"

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Justin had left the room way before the sun came up, leaving Kayla under the sheets alone, the spot next to her vacant now that he left.

Running a hand through his tousled sex hair, Justin let out a much relieved breath. His nerves were calm--as can be and for the moment--for as long as it will last--he was at ease.

Opening the door to his room after unlocking it, it was then when he saw Kelsey sleeping on the floor that brought him back to reality.

As much as she annoyed the hell out of him, he couldn’t help but feel like a dick that she had actually listened to him and slept on the floor.

It must have been hella uncomfortable he thought while sighing deeply and making his way over to her. Glancing down at her, he bit the inside of his cheek. She was beautiful, there’s no denying that but there was something about her that just made Justin want to scream.

Whether it was because she had caught him at his finest moment (sarcasm deeply intended) or how much shit he got into downstairs with Bruce a few hours back, he knew the girl was trouble.

Leaning down, Justin cupped her body into the embrace of his arms, cradling her as if she were a baby before standing up straight and laying her on his untouched bed. Grabbing a blanket from nearby, he settled it on top of her body, where it covered her from her feet up to her neck.

Glancing at her one last time, Justin turned and walked out of his room where he casually made his way downstairs.

Bruce seated in a chair, eating came into view almost instantaneously and a smile found its way to Justin’s lips.

“Yo Bruce,” Justin bellowed, startling Bruce a bit before he realized it was just him and settled down.

“What?” Bruce spat. He wasn’t necessarily a morning person.

Which gave Justin all the more reason to relinquish his anger.

Without a second thought or even a sound, Justin charged towards Bruce, grabbing him by the collar of his shirt, forcing him up and off the chair before slamming him into the wall adjacent where they stood.

Justin didn’t hesitate as he pulled his fist back and collided it to his jaw, receiving a look of pain and a groan of displeasure from Bruce. Pulling his fist back once more he pounded it into Bruce’s stomach then rib. “Next time you dare put your hands on me,“ Justin sneered in disgust. “And threaten to kill me,” He moved closer now, their noses a mere centimeter apart. “You won’t even have a chance to say a word before I get my hands on you.” He dropped his voice down to a whisper, venom dripping with each syllable he pronounced.

Pushing him against the wall with force, Justin backed up and walked away, leaving Bruce in pain behind.

If there’s one thing Justin hated, it was when people tried to outdo him just like Bruce had tried earlier that day.

Brushing his shirt down, Justin hopped up the stairs, walking back into his room where he stripped of his clothes--Kelsey still sleeping--and walked into thebathroom. Turning the shower on, he stepped inside letting the hot steaming water brush against his undeserving skin.

The water tricking down his neck and back brought Justin to complete serenity. He loved taking long showers in the morning because it gave him an escape from reality for just the time being which is why when he had finished washing his hair and had to turn off the water, he felt like going back in for another round.

Drying his hair to perfection, Justin wrapped a towel around his lower half before walking out of the bathroom and into his bedroom where Kelsey laid awake.

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