"I warned you not to tempt me"

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Justin’s Point of View:

“There is no way I’m working with him!” I barked. “Bombs or no bombs, we can find someone else to do it!” I sneered, my stubbornness getting the best of me.

Bruce heavily sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose.

“Cut the bull, Bieber. I’m the only one capable of doing it and doing it right and you know that.” Jason interjected.

“I don’t give a damn! I rather have it all go wrong then have to work with a son of a bitch like you!” I spat venomously.

“God damn it Jason!” Bruce yelled. “Do you want to get rid of Luke or not?”

“Of course I do! What kind of question is that?!” I stared up at him incredulously.

Bruce however ignored me, shaking his head disapprovingly. “Then stop being a dick and let the kid help!”

“No.” I hissed.

“For fucks sake!” Jason groaned, throwing himself on the couch opposite me, sitting beside Marco and John.

I sent him a death glare. “Shut up.”

He rolled his eyes, obviously not in the mood to pick a fight with me.

“Don’t you want to get rid of the bastard who tried to not only kill you but your girl? I don’t care what your issue is with McCann, think about Kelsey and her safety.”

I inwardly growled, knowing he was right. Rubbing my hands together, I bit my lip contemplating the thought. Curse Bruce and his knowledge of knowing exactly what to say to get me to agree.

If I didn’t get rid of Luke, he’d come after us once more. It was now or never.

Sighing, I looked up at Bruce. “Alright but only for Kelsey’s sake.”

Bruce slumped his shoulders, glad I finally made up my mind. “Thank you.” He breathed out.

Jason instantly sprang up in his seat, curiosity pulling at his features. “Kelsey? Who’s Kelsey?”

I snapped my head over to face him. “Don’t even think about it McCann.” I warned.

Jason smirked, putting his hands up defensively. “I was just asking.”

I scowled, looking away.

“Is she your new sex toy?” Jason chuckled, thinking he was being funny as he expected everyone to laugh along with him but he was slightly taken back when the air grew still and all eyes stared warily at both him and I.

“You better watch your mouth McCann.” I warned.

“Getting defensive, I see?” Jason shook his head, bewildered. “She must be really good in bed if you’re getting that worked up.”

I didn’t hesitate before I sprang to my feet. “Didn’t I say to shut that mouth of yours?” I sneered, my lips curling into a snarl.

Upon noticing my demeanor, John quickly stood up, grabbing a hold of my arms as he held me back. “Calm down man.”

Jason chuckled. “Aw, Bieber boy got himself a girlfriend? How cute.” He teased menacingly.

“Shut up.” I spat, wanting nothing more than to blow his head off.

“Geez, Bieber,” Jason smirked. “I’m just joking. No need to get your briefs in a twist.”

I pulled out of John’s hold on me. “Yeah? Well, I’m not in the mood for your pathetic ass excuse of a joke. Just go fucking go do what you unfortunately came here to do and get the hell out.”

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