Chapter 3

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A/N: In this chapter I reveal a character that was in The Mortal Instruments and The Infernal Devices series. The character was briefly mentioned in episode 12 when they were going over the powerful warlocks. I describe her pretty well, so I hope you guys don't leave because I added her. Please comment anything you would like see happen (ships, references ext.

Magnus skipped to the door and turned the knob without looking through the peep hole knowing who was on the other side. Behind the door was a tall thin woman with brown shoulder length hair. When Magnus saw the girl he immediately broke down. She threw her self into his arms and began crying as well. Magnus finally is getting to do what he wanted to. He is grieving the loss of one of his dearest friends, Ragnor Fell.
"Magnus, you were not kidding were you?" The brown haired girl asked smiling through her tears.
"Ragnor is dead he was killed by a shax demon" Magnus said grimly.
"Okay, do we call Catarina?" The girl asked.
"I let her know already, however she is stuck at Idris" Magnus said.
The two warlocks had traveled from the apartment's doorstep to the kitchen. The stood in the kitchen sipping on their drinks catching up. After complete avoindance of their relationships the conversation wound up there.
"Tessa, so tell me what Shadowhunter you are in love with now" Magnus joked.
"Not funny!" Tessa whined and tossed a pillow at him.
"Okay, Okay. For real are you single? Taken?" Magnus asked
"Nobody, what about you or are you still not over that vampire?" Tessa inquired.
"Maybe, I mean I don't really know. We kissed at the altar but he hates me now" Magnus spoke softly.
"What do you mean at the altar?! Wait are you married?!" Tessa freaked
"Calm down. He was getting married to another Shadowhunter" Magnus attempted to calm Tessa and then told her the story of the wedding.
"So, is the Shadowhunter cute?" Tessa asked smiling and twirling her hair.
"He is gorgeous. His hair dark and wavy. His eyes light, hazel actually and the contrast is just so perfect. He is taller than me and we fit together like puzzle pieces" Magnus blushed .
"Reminds me of someone" Tessa teased

Alec was walking out of the institute when he ran into someone. He saw the only vampire he actually could stand, even only if it was a little. Simon walked by Alec and attempted to start a conversation. Alec determined and lost in thought only acknowledged an enthusiastic mumble. He continued his journey to Magnus just to be stopped once again in his tracks. A short redhead ran in front of him.
"Where are you going?" Clary interrogated
"Nowhere" Alec attempted to shut Clary down
"If you plan on getting Jace, tell me Alec" Clary pleaded
Alec was confused for a moment, until he realized what she was talking about he said " I am going to see Magnus"
Clary smiled as a response. Alec was free to go and over any other interruptions. Alec walked down the hard pavement with a smile. A smile not a scowl, his usual expression, Alec was actually happy. The last time he was this excited to meet somebody was, Jace. When Alec was ten, the Lightwoods received photos of a Jace Wayland, the boy they would adopt since his father was killed. The boy in the photos made Alec feel a way he had never before. Alexander was infatuated with the blonde seemingly flawless little boy. The day Jace came, 10 year old Alec, was soo excited. Alec was lonely in a sense with Isabelle and no boy playmates. Alec was in love with every aspect of the boy. The boy in training moved swiftly and precisely, always winning the battles and Alec wanted to be him. Alec pulled himself out of his childhood memories and sped up his pace when Magnus' apartment was in sight.

"How so?" Magnus said with such sarcasm.
"Oh remember, my husband, Will Herondale, who you had a crush on?" Tessa giggled at her sarcastic comment.
"Oh yeah"Magnus reminisced
The two were on the grand couch laughing and joking as if it were a sleepover. Magnus finally got his mind off the Shadowhunter. That was until his apartment doors swung open. On his doorstep was a woman dressed in black from head to toe. She had blonde hair that cascaded down her back and a facial expression that was difficult for the warlocks to read. Magnus' jaw had dropped when he saw the girl who just a few hours ago had been left at the altar. Tessa was confused not sure who was at the door. She thought that it might be the girl he crashed the wedding of but how could she be sure. The room was silent in shock.

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