Chapter 4

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A/N:This chapter I rewrote so many times it is not even funny. I wanted to get in as many details as possible. I wanted to drop a bomb or two. I wanted to have Alec realize something in this chapter. I hope you like it even though I feel like it is missing something huge. If you haooen to know what i am missing let me now. I will be posting each chapter of this book on Wensdays anywhere from 5:25pm to 10:25pm (East Coast, US) Okay you guys can begin reading now.


Alec stood in the center of the room confused. Questions were rushing through his head. The main ones were: why is Lydia here and who is the girl sitting next to her? Alec came expecting to see a warlock alone in his extravagant apartment, instead he was greeted to alcohol spilt all over the floor, his crying ex-fiancée, a strange brunette on his couch and Magnus in underwear. Alec was completely overwhelmed, he was now worried about what he got himself into.

Lydia attempted to put herself back together at the sight of her ex-fiancé. There was a burning urge inside of her to repeat what she said and tell Alec her secret, but she couldn't. Lydia physically could not repeat what she said. The secret scared herself, so she planned on not even attempting to say it aloud again. Lydia sat up straight and wiped the tears from her eyes. She tried to keep from talking due to the fact she was vaugley aware if his drunk she was.

Magnus held eye contact with the boy. The intensity was growing and Magnus even noticed Alec nibble his lip. They felt completely alone, at least that was what Magnus had thought.

Alec's eyes darted away from the warlock. He made an effort not to look back.
To nobody in particular Alec asked "Who is the brunette on the couch?"
"Oh her! She is my secret lover!" Magnus cheerfully exclaimed in a tone dripping with sarcasm.
Alec scowled and repeated the question "Who is she?"
"Long story, now why are you here?" Magnus inquired.
Alec responded with silence not sure what to say.
"Wait... My psychic senses are kicking in one of your friends are in trouble and you need my help" Magnus spoke with an absurd amount of sarcasm.
"No... I wanted to talk to you in private" Alec murmured.
"Oh, okay" Magnus responded his voice though unwavering hinted at shock.

Magnus was unsure what he just agreed to do. Magnus thought that maybe they wouldn't do much talking, but that seemed to unlike Alec. Maybe Alec finally accepted himself. Magnus was lost and confused. He was sure it was showing. He can't use walls of sarcasm now it felt like. Magnus thought he might have to be open with the gorgeously flawed Alexander. Throughout Magnus' inner panic he noticed Alec looking towards him like he was waiting for him to do something. With a deep breath Magnus told Alec "Come upstairs with me." Then Magnus began upstairs.

Alec had no idea what to do with this invitation. He did not know what would happen upstairs, but he followed the warlock anyways. The journey up the stairs felt like it stretched for hours. Alec was panicking, he was not ready to be in a small space with somebody he wanted so bad, but could never have. Somebody that every fiber of his body begged for, but his brain knew would end terribly. Alec felt like a young Shadowhunter in front of a weapons store, able to look and want from afar, but not have. Alec felt the overwhelming need for Magnus. He needed to quench his thirst. He wanted something more than he would allow himself. The Shadowhunter dressed in black wanted, no needed, the gorgeous sarcastic male warlock just a few steps away from him. Alec played with the cuff of his black jacket out of nervousness while all these thoughts filled his head. With one last step he reached the top of the stairs and entered a long corridor.

Magnus was nervous, the feeling he completely loathed. He hated being nervous and unsure of what will happen next. The magnificently dressed warlock lead Alec down the long hallway and stopped in front of his room. He needed a moment before he dived into a sea of uncertainty. Magnus filled his lungs with air then with his bright pink nailed hand turned the knob on his bedroom door. The opened door let out darkness. Magnus snapped his fingers and the light turned on in his bedroom. His room was messy if he had to admit. Clothes littered the floor and glitter was everywhere.

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