Chapter 13: Getting On With Life

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I was absent for three days since Paul left and Aunt Amy, my deceased mother's sister, came to my apartment to check on me. 

"Your school called me and told me you weren't going to school for the past few days. What's going on Cris?" she said after knocking on my door. 

I was on my bed for the past few days- only visited the bathroom for necessities and lazy hygiene attempts and she found me there. 

I wasn't feeling good and I haven't eaten almost anything. I just wanted to stay there for some time because I felt so alone and stupid. Faith hated me, Paul left, and I could imagine now how Jay and the rest of the school must be laughing at me right now that if I was there, their rude stares could melt me and send me to hell. 

"Cris?" Aunt asked me but I didn't move. 

"Just leave me, Aunt Amy. Just for a week and I promise you I'll never be absent again for the rest of the school year and next school year," I said with slurry words. 

"Is something wrong dear? Are you sick?" she asked as she sat beside me. 

"I'll be fine after a week. Please aunt Amy. Please..." I tried my best to plead. 

She let out a deep breath and I just know she gave up. She always thought of me and supported me with I wanted and needed and she was always right about having been that loving and caring for me since my parents died of a car accident. Since then, I cherished life and showed love for the peopleI do care for excpet for Paul. And I'm wasting my time here locked in this room. 

"If you must then okay, Cris. I'll be here if you want to talk. Your uncle John's worried about you, too and he told me to stay here until you feel much better," and I could feel the warmth of their care. 

"Thanks Aunt Amy," was all i could say as she left my room and closed it. 


I walked to school the next Monday after I decided that I could handle things now, that I must face what the issues and everything. 

I was surprised that no one was looking at me oddly or that I have done something to make up with rumors that I thought would come out eventually. It was like nothing happened except for Paul leaving me, Faith still not talking to me and so was Justin or Jayson. 

I ate alone in the cafeteria at lunch when Trixie stopped by my table. 

"Do you have company?" she asked. I looked up at her and thought she was making fun of me but she just sat beside me. 

"Don't worry. I took care of it. No issues, no rumor etcetera. And I'm sorry about Paul and you friendship with Jayson and Faith," she said and it really sounded that she was sincere. 

"Thanks for the concern," I just nodded and continued eating the brownies i had for lunch. 

"Here. Have my pizza and salad and eat it. You really look you need something to eat, girl," she pushed over to me her salad and pizza and this was the second time she called me "girl" like we were sudenly friends and I was a bit surprised about this. I didn't know if she was sincere about befriending me or now. 

She stood up and carried her tray again. 

"I'll call you later. i have the notes you could copy for the past week you were absent," she smiled still with sincerity on her face. 

I nodded and smiled. Maybe this wasn't going to be rough as I thought and maybe Paul meant when he said it's all going to be alright but thinking about him, I started missing him again. I felt like I was about to cry so I left the cafeteria and went to the ladies bathroom and cried quietly until the bell rang. 

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