Chapter 9: Accepting

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Chapter 9: Accepting


We all sat in the living room and watched tv while we ate. After we were done I decided that I wanted to go back out and practice dives again.

I told everyone what I was doing and to leave me alone. I went up to my room and changed into a bikini.

I walked back outside and climbed up the board. I knew which dive I wanted to do, needed to do, the one that I never landed correctly.

A flip, 360 degree turn, flip, pike, flip, land.

I took in a deep breath, and let it out slowly, I focused on my body, and how I wanted it to move.

Then I began a steady bounce, my eyes still closed.

The bounces got stronger, as I set my body up for the dive.

Then I jumped.


360 degree turn.



"You still have it!"

My eyes shot open.

The last thing I saw was


Before my head came in contact with the board.

And I slipped into Darkness.


I was slowly coming out of a cold darkness. I tried to open my eyes but failed miserably.

"Is she dead?" I heard someone ask.

"Oh my god, you killed her! You fucking dick! She dead because of you!" Someone manly screamed.

Then heard what could be made out to be as fighting.

Then, "Hey! Stop it! She's not dead! She's just unconscious. Calm down!" Another male screamed. I could tell that was Ian.

He was here to help me.

I could feel my body now. And all I could register was that I was wet, like really, wet; and that my head was pounding in pain.

I groaned.

All screaming stopped, everyone gasp.

I opened my eyes, all I saw were seven pairs of eyes, all trained on me. Six of the pairs, belonging to my male friends. And the last belonged to Coral.

They all seemed to breath a sigh of relief.

But I was confused.

What happened?

"Why does my head hurt?" I mumbled out.

"Oh, kitten, you hit your head really hard. How are you feeling?" Johnny said.

"Okay, I guess, how'd I hit my head?" I asked dumbly.

"You were in the middle of a dive and Christian, yelled out, you lost your focus and fell really heard on the diving broad. You cut your head. I think we should take you to the emergency room." Ian told me honestly.

"Is the bleeding bad?" I asked.

They all shook their head no.

"We'll then there's no need. Just check me for a concussion in a few hours, an then if I do you can take me in okay." I told them. They all nodded.

Johnny and Lucas helped me up, well pretty much had to drag me up, and into the living room.

"There, can I get you anything?" Johnny asked me softly.

"Just some water," I said softly. He nodded and left me, going into the kitchen.

See whenever I get sick, or something happens Johnny takes care of me. It's not regular taking care of me either, nope he babys me. And it's nice every once in a while. But last year I had caught a bad case of the flu. But by the time I was over it, I wanted to shoot Johnny in the head with a shot gun, it got so bad. He wouldn't let me do jack-shit. And I got upset.

He's just too protective...


"Johnny!!!!" I whined.

"I said no, you can't just go for a walk, your sick!" He told me sternly.

"But I feel so much better! Why can't I just go for a tiny walk? You can even come with me!!" I tried to negotiate a way to get out of the house that I had been stuck in for the past week. "I'm not even sick anymore." I mumbled.

"No! You need your rest!" Johnny scolded.

"Yes mom." I groaned.

"Hey you know it's just for the best," he tried to make me see reason.

"Whatever, just let me rest, since that's what 'I so need'," I said mocking him.

"Good, it will help in the end." He said smiling. He pecked my forehead before walking out.

As soon as he left I took it upon myself to get out of the house. I locked my door making sure no one would no that I had gone. I went over to my french doors and opened them.

Haha! Freedom!!!!

I shimmied down the tree and got to the ground. I did a little happy dance, but I failed to notice that. Johnny was standing in front of the window that was in the office.

The look on his face was priceless though.

I looked at him and my jaw dropped.


This is what I get for wanting fresh air???

I then took off towards the road. I wasn't going back into that house without a fight. Once I got to the road I dared to look back to see Johnny not far behind. I pushed my legs faster.

Well since I had been stuck in the house for a week, I was out of shape, plus being a swimmer and not a runner, and the fact that I was going up against the quarterback of the football team, all doomed me to fail.

He caught me quickly. I fought all the way back to the house, I trie to kick and scream, but of course all of our neighbors knew my relationship with Johnny and just chuckled at me failed attempts to get free. Yep, you heard me they laughed right at me.

I huffed when we got back to the house.

My parents were there, I mean sometimes Johnny actually acts more like a parent then they do, and it sucks.

"You knew you weren't allowed to leave the house, yet you disobeyed me! You knew you were sick and you weren't allowed to leave your room! You could get us all sick! You can't....." He continues to lecture me but I just sat back and zoned out.

End of Flashback.

See what I mean, too protective. But I still haven't forgiven some of the neighbors for that day, they didn't even try to help!! They let me get carried away by that baboon.

Well all I have to say is that it wasn't far that I got no outside time. He could have come, but no.

But desperate times call for desperate measures.

Johnny came back into the room and sat down right next to me on the couch, he laid my legs over his lap and was gentle massaging them. I have him a grateful look.

"How are you feeling?" My head snapped towards the voice.

It was Christian.

"When did you get here?" I asked softly.

"Right before I made your head dive into that board." He gave me a sad smile and I waved it off, it was nothing. But Johnny on the other hand was full out glaring at him.

I took one of my legs and brought it to his chest and smacked him hard enough for him to notice. He gave me a questioning look.

"Don't glare at your cousin!" I scolded.

"He made you have a possible concussion. A major headache and there could be more problems." He said worriedly.

"Oh Johnny! Look at me! I'm fine! See I'm fine. There's no signs of a concussion. So calm down! If there is then I will allow you to freak out but, as of right now I'm completely fine. Okay?" I told him sternly. He nodded.

Now back to Christian.

"How are you? Didn't you just have a birthday?" I asked him.

"I'm good, thanks. And yeah I did just turned 18." He said.

I pouted. "Why is everyone older than me?" I asked.

"Your just our little munchkin." Johnny said chuckling, and giving me a peck on the cheek.

"I'm not that short!" I protested.

"You are shorter than me therefore a munchkin in my eyes." He said laughing. I pouted at him.

"So you guys are together? I totally saw that coming." Christian said from across the room.

"What? No." I said at the same time Johnny said, "Yes." I looked over and gave him the biggest glare I could muster. "No we aren't together." I said looking back at Christian.

"Well not officially, she doesn't want to w all question on how it is to be dating her best friend and how she felt about me then and how she loves me now," Johnny said smugly.

"No you idiot, we are not together! Period!" I yelled at him.

"It's okay, you don't have to lie around family, they will understand." He told me with fake sweetness.

"Oh shove it! I'm not dating him at all! I'm actually dating Matt!" I said. He was walking by the room and it car into my head so I'm like 'oh why the hell not!'. Now after actually saying it, I regret it.

"What?!?" he said popping his head into the room, the look of shock evident on his face.

"You heard me, it's okay we an tell them now." I said giving him the, 'go-along-with-it' face.

"Yea, were dating." He said trying to sound convincing.

"Hell no!" Johnny exploded.

Here we go again...

"You will not be dating this boy! He is no good, all he wants is sex! He's a hormonal teenage boy! He will not be good for you!" Johnny bellowed.

Good thing we don't have neighbors. I thought to myself. They surely would have called the cops if they heard the current conversation.

"Stop trying to be my dad! You have no right to keep me from dating who I want!" I screamed at him. He looked shocked. See this is the first time I have stood up against him in this subject.

"I kind of actually agree with him." Lucas said coming into the room.

"How dare you?!?" I screamed at him. "You have no right on my love life after what happened! You don't get a say. So shut up and say the hell out of this!!" I screamed so loud and strong I temporarily stunned myself. He took a step back and shut up.

Wise choice.

"Just leave me alone." I said to all of them and ran up the stairs. I was in no mood to deal with them.

I was in the room for all of five minutes before someone knocked on the door. "Go away Johnny." I said.

"It's only me," Ian said through the door. I sighed and stood up. I opened the door as he walked in I shut the door and looked making sure he was the only one joining me in my self loathing state. "What was that? I know you don't want to date him. So why did you being him into it?" Ian asked me softly.

"I don't know. Christian was going on about how Johnny and I were so together and I just panicked I guess, I mean I couldn't stand the thought of being with Johnny." I told him.

"And why's that?.." Ian asked me. I looked at him and looked back down. A few tears invaded my eyes.

"Because I don't want to be one of them.." I whispered.

"Who?" He asked, clearly not understanding.

"His sluts." I sobbed out.

Ian came over to where I was on the bed and wrapped his arms around me. As I let it all out. I was finally coming to terms with losing my virginity to my best friend. And now I knew I hated my drunken choice, I was just like all those other sluts that threw themselves at him, and fucked him once or twice. And I didn't want to be one of them.

A slut.

I felt dirty even thinking about it. It was weigh in my opinion to throw yourself at someone if you knew they were going to use you like a rug and them throw you away.

"You aren't a slut, you just made a bad decision and now you have to deal with it," he told me honestly, bringing me out of my internal conversation with myself.

"I know, but I feel dirty, like I knew what I did was wrong but it's still gross in my mind.

"It's okay and your not dirty. Your just you." He said with sincerity that warmed my heart to the core.

After another ten minutes I was feeling better with myself.

"I fell better." I said.

"Are you sure?" Ian asked looking me over.

"Yeah." I said with a small smile.

"Okay let's go downstairs." I smiled and nodded.

We went down stairs and something actually surprised me for once. I walked into the living room. And I saw Johnny an Matt, but it was what they were doing is what they surprised me.

He were having a full out fist fight.

Dear lord...

"Hey stop it!" I screamed. Ian instantly got into the middle of it and separated them. I grabbed Matt. "What the hell is wrong with you?" I asked him. But he just glared at Johnny.

I noticed that both boys were bleeding so I lead Matt into the bathroom and demanded that he sat on the counter while I cleaned up his wounds.

"Why'd you do that?" I asked softly.

"Things were said," he shrugged.

"What things?" I urged.

"He said that you can't go out with anyone, and it pissed me off that he's trying to control you so much, so I punched him." He told me with a shrug.

I smiled at him. He did it for me.

"We'll I have to say thank you for defending my honor," I said with a small salute. He laughed at me. And I laughed to.

Then he put his arms around my waist. "You know if we are going to be acting as fake girlfriend and boyfriend, we need to make it believable."

And with that said he swooped in and captured my lips...

And I kissed him right back....


A/N: hehe ☺ I sense love in the air..

Well I actually had fun writing this chapter.

What do you think with her accepting her feelings about that night?

Will she fall in love with Matt?

Or someone else...?

You guys should know that originally I was going to have her end up dating Lucas but now I'm not sure.

What are Matt's feelings towards her?

Okay now no one actually guessed who Christian was. He's Johnny's cousin.

But now here's the knew challenge..

Who is the person who knows the special spot in the woods?? Is it someone already in the story?? Or a new charter I'm bringing in.

Guess that and you can get the next chapter dedicated to you.

Also I need good male names!!

So if you offer up a goo one I will also dedicate the chapter to you!

So anyway...






And keep on reading!!



Ps. Huge thanks for the 7k reads!!

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