The Shooting

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  Lexa had just been shot by Titus and is bleeding out right in front of Clarke's eyes. Titus left in a hurry as he was afraid of what might happen to him. Clarke quickly began to gather things she can use to fix Lexa up. After a moment she came back with needle, stitching, and a wrap.

" Lexa hang on for me okay? " Clarke said to her.

" Clarke, i love you " Lexa said " My fight is over"

" No it's not." Clarke said " I am going to fix you. Your fight has only just begun"

Clarke began to stitch Lexa wound up to get the bleeding under control. She would watch Lexa's chest rise up and down to make sure she was still breathing as she stitched her up. When she was down she wrapped her wound up the best she could. She held Lexa's hand and kissed it. She waited for Lexa to wake up. As the day went on Clarke rested her head next to their hands. Lexa opens her eyes and looked to see that Clarke was still here. That she was still alive. She gave Clarke's hand a squeeze hoping that would wake her sleeping princess. Clarke felt Lexa squeeze her hand and rose her head up to see that she was awake and alive.

" Clarke you saved me" Lexa said.

" Of course i did. I wasn't going to let you die" Clarke said " I'm tired of everyone that i love keeps getting killed. That stops with you."

Lexa moves to sit up but winces.

" Easy" Clarke said " Just rest okay?"

" But we need to find Titus" Lexa said " He needs to atone for what he has done."

" And we will once you are rested and healed" Clarke said " I promise you"

She nodded at her.

" Stay here with me?" Lexa asked.

" of course i will Lex" Clarke said " I am not going anywhere."

They stayed like that through the night. They both fell asleep and soon it was morning. Lexa was the first one awake and she felt sore but she was sure she could get up. She looked at her sleeping princess. She was adorable while she slept.

" Clarke" Lexa said softly.

Clarke slowly opened her eyes and looked at Lexa.

"What's wrong? " CLarke asked her concerned.

" is it okay if i get up?" Lexa asked " I need to pee"

Clarke nodded.

" Yes that is okay" Clarke said.

Clarke helped Lexa sit up before she would let her get up. She wanted to make sure that she was okay. Lexa nodded at her before she stood up holding her healing wound. It hurt her but she really had to go to the bathroom. With the help of Clarke she managed to make it to the bathroom. After a while she came back out.

" Clarke in my bag there is some liquid. Can you get it for me?" Lexa asked as she walked to the bed.

Clarke went to the bag and pulled out a cup with liquid and brought to Lexa. Lexa took it.

" What is that?" Clarke asked.

" It is numbing liquid that will help with my pain" Lexa explained to her.

Lexa opened the container and took a small drink from it. She made a face as she drank it.

" IT doesn't taste to good but it makes the pain go away." Lexa said " Now we have business to attend to."

"Wait are you sure? You know you were just shot yesterday" Clarke commented.

Lexa nodded as she stood back up.

"Just take is slow okay?" Clarke spoke to her.

She didn't want to Lexa to reopen her wound just barely twenty four hours later.

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