Teacher!levi x student!reader [R18]

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(Y/n) = your name
(F/c) = favourite colour
(S/c) = skin colour
(E/c) = eye colour
(H/l) = hair length
(H/c) = hair colour

Note: in this story you're smaller than Levi and above the age of consent.. So there's no 'underage' 'pedophile' shit going on etc... Also WARNING LEMON IF YOU DON'T LIKE LEMON THEN DON'T READ .......... Enjoy!!!

You walked to class with your best friend Eren, it was a Monday morning and the first lesson you had was Art with Mr Ackerman. This was your favourite lesson, you loved how creative you could be and how drop dead gorgeous the teacher was. You had to admit, you had a huge crush on Mr Ackerman.
Eren, Mikasa and Armin couldn't understand why, all they saw was a short man with a short temper.

Despite all this, you still couldn't help but fall for the raven haired man.

Walking into the art class, you took your usual seat at the front of the class.

"Good morning, (y/n). Did you have a good weekend?" Asked Mr Ackerman. He had his usual stoic expression but asked in a nice way. He always seemed to be okay with you, everyone else got the pissed off midget mood from him.

"It was okay sir, how was yours?" You asked sweetly, biting your lip and blushing slightly. You was a shy person, but you did a good job acting a little too innocent to try and flirt with Mr Ackerman.

"It was shit. I was grading these brats shitty work till 4 in the morning last night." He groaned, getting up from his desk and standing in front of the board.

"Right, you shits. Today is a controlled assessment, if I see any phones or hear anyone speaking, it'll be detention for a week... Cleaning my classroom every day, got it?" He half shouted. All the students were scared of him, so they all nodded quickly and sat silently.

"Right, so for this assessment, you are to create a sketch of something in this box I have here. In this box there are shells, pine cones and whatever, so just pick a piece and get on with it, brats" Mr Ackerman said whilst walking around with the box, letting students take an object to draw. Once he got to your desk, he put a neatly folded note onto the table whilst you picked up a shell from inside the box.

Confused, you looked up at him questionably, only getting a smirk from him as an answer. You waited till he was sat at his desk to open the note, and it read:

"Get your phone number up then call me over to your desk, or I'll make you clean the whole school until it's dark out"

'Wtf?' You thought to yourself. This was weird, but in some sense, you was excited. You done what he said, writing down your number on a piece of paper then raising your hand.

Mr Ackerman smirked, getting up slowly walking to your desk.

"What seems to be the problem, (y/n)?" Mr Ackerman said as he leaned over you, so close you could feel his breath on your ear. You could smell tea on his breath and it was intoxicating.

"I'm not sure, I just can't figure out how to draw this shell" you lied, sliding the small piece of paper that had your number into his view. He hummed, quickly taking the paper into his hand and putting it into his pocket.

"I would say you should draw an O shape first then work in the detail and proper shape afterwards. Rather than just staring at a blank page like an idiot" and with that, he moved away from behind you and back to his desk.

You was so confused, why did he want your number? Is he even allowed to have your number? You pushed these thoughts out of your head and started drawing the shell.

About 20 minutes later, your phone started ringing. In class.

You stopped dead, hearing the loud ring, making people stop what they was doing and stare at you. Heat risen to your cheeks, you quickly fumbled for your pockets, trying to stop this embarrassing situation as soon as possible.

Levi x Reader One-ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now