Drunk!Levi x reader

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(Y/n) = your name
(F/c) = favourite colour
(S/c) = skin colour
(E/c) = eye colour
(H/l) = hair length
(H/c) = hair colour

****Your POV****

'These god damn parties. Why are we having parties when we could be killing Titans?? I'll never fucking know. Jean thought it was a good idea to have a party the weekend we have off. So I'm probably going to be suffering from a hangover on my only days off... Great!!'

You think to yourself quietly as you're sat in the mess hall, everyone surrounding you is either drinking or dancing to some terrible music. You wondered where your friends were. You're sat alone, not really in a party mood since it was only two weeks ago that Marco had died. He was a dear friend to you, and both you and Jean were heart broken. Maybe that's the reason Jean wanted to throw parties, gives him the excuse to get drunk and forget about his fallen friend (A/N: or lover... 😭)

You finally spotted where Eren, Mikasa and Armin were, all dancing on the dance floor clutching their alcoholic beverages to their chests. Mikasa looked like she was trying to impress Eren, poor Armin, third wheeling as per usual.

Standing up, you went towards the table where Hanji was, despite her erratic and crazy personality, she was your best friend. It's weird , your friendship with her, the way you met her would make normal people run away screaming...


You was one of the very few people who volunteered to join the survey corps. Standing in the mess hall quietly, you waited for your new squad leader to come collect you. Feeling a tap on your shoulder, you turned around, now facing a rather crazy looking woman. She had glasses and was quite tall, looking down on you with a huge grin on her face.

"HELLO THERE, YOU MUST BE (Y/N)!!! I'M HANJI ZOE AND I'M NOT GONNA BE YOUR SQUAD LEADER... BUT YOU HAVE REALLY PRETTY EYES AND I WOULD LOVE TO DO EXPERIMENTS ON YOU!!!" She almost screamed at you. Startled, you raised your voice, timidly asking why she would 'experiment' on you....


"P-please lower your voice..." You interrupted her.

"You see, I wanted to see if Titans found anything attractive or pretty to look at, and you're the most prettiest cadet I've seen so far!!!" Hanji gleamed. Pinching your (s/c) cheeks whilst admiring your beauty.

"Erm... thank you, and er yeah I'll help but I'd have to ask my squad leader first. Do you know who my squad leader is?" You asked the crazy brunette.

"Yup!! You got shorty over there!!" Hanji whispered, pointing to a short raven haired man with a bored expression on his face. You stared at him, star struck by his handsome features. A blush creeped up onto your cheeks, feeling giddy and excited that you had such a hot squad leader.

"Close your mouth, (y/n), you'll catch flies!" Hanji joked, nudging you playfully.

And since then. You had been best friends with her.

*end of flashback*

"HEY, (Y/N), COME SIT DOWN!!!" Hanji shouted, patting a seat next to her motioning for you to sit. Hanji was sat with Levi and Erwin. You sat next to Hanji eagerly. Opposite you was Corporal Levi, your squad leader.

Well so you thought, this wasn't your usual calm and collected Lance Corporal Levi... This was a drunken mess.

"H-hello cadet" Levi stammered, tilting his head slightly, hiccuping on occasion.

Levi x Reader One-ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now