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I woke up to the sun shining right in my eyes and the blaring of my alarm clock. I sleepily slapped it off with my eyes closed and the blanket over my head. When I finally got it to shut the fuck up I sat up right with the blanket now resting on my head. I stretched my arms and cracked my knuckles as I got out of bed.

I entered the bathroom and took a hot shower that warmed me up from the cold air around my bed because I always keep the air conditioner on and that results in super cold fingers and that's why people flinch when I shake their hands. I got out the shower and put the bathrobe around me and tied the robe. Since it was chilly outside I decided to wear a white turtle neck with a pale green jacket with complicated buttons and zips and parred it up some nice pants and ankle boots.

I brushed through my hair and tied it up in a messy bun because I don't want to tame it today since I felt super lazy and applied some mascara to my eyelashes and and some eyeliner to make my grey eyes pop. I grabbed my backpack and rushed downstairs to get to school. I don't eat breakfast since it makes me nauseous for some reason, I guess I didn't like eating things early in the morning.

I unlocked my jeep and got in and hummed it into life and I took off to school. My school wasn't that far away, only a 20 minute drive but I decided to drive anyway because I can't even walk for 5 minutes because if my laziness. I arrived at school and parked my car in some random place and headed towards the front gate which was crowded as usual. I made my way to my locker and got ready to go to English class. I turned around to get going and was startled by a grinning Candice.

"Geez Candice." I said once I calmed down.

"Oops, Sorry." She giggled.

"It's okay just don't sneak up on me again or I might punch you out of reflex." I warned and she laughed.

"Cmon you have English with me and Sam." She said dragging me to English class.

We entered our English class and I took a seat next to Candice, Sam sat across from me and I gave him a smile in greeting which he returned. After a few minutes the bell rang and a substitute teacher walked in. Candice fist bumped the air and a few classmates followed after her. I turned to Candice and she was full on smiling like an idiot.

"You seem very very happy." I commented, amused.

"What can I say? The sub is hot and the English teacher is absent." She said looking at the poor unsuspecting sub.

"What the hell Candice?!" I scolded and she just laughed.

After multiple hours in hell it was time to go home and I couldn't be any happier. I got a butt load of homework so I planned on completing that as soon as possible because I didn't want that troubling my ass. I got home and dropped my bag in the middle of the kitchen and made my way upstairs to take a shower and change into something much comfortable.

I changed into a grey shirt and some shorts and paired it up with some black socks and I made my way downstairs to grab my bag which I abandoned in the kitchen. I grabbed my bag and took a look outside the window and sighed at the weather. The weather seemed awfully nice today so I decided to head outside and do my homework plus, I could maybe meet the wolf. I couldn't stop thinking about him in class.

I made my was outside and sat down in my the lounge chairs on my porch where I met the wolf and I then got to my homework. After a while of me trying to accomplish Math I heard a bush rustle and a twig snap. I smirked knowing it was my wolf but I continued doing my Math work somehow knowing that he would come closer. I was right; He came up to me and decided to sit down right in front of me, distracting me from my math work. I sighed as I craned my neck to look at his golden eyes.

"Hello Wolfie." I greeted. He licked my hand as in saying hello back.

"I'm doing my Math work. Well trying but failing miserably." I added with a pout.

Blue decided to lay down and rest his head right on my math textbook which was on my lap and look into my soul with a look of adoration? Love? Fondness? I couldn't quite keep my finger on it.

"Get your giant head off my book I'm trying to do Math" I chastised and tried to push his huge head off of my lap.

He growled at me.

"Ok ok ok ok don't do that shit, I'll complete my Biology work" I quickly said and rummaged through my bag to find my biology work. My bag was ripped out of my grasp and was flung across my porch and I stared wide eyed at the wolf.

"You stupid wolf! I have some important stuff in there!" I shouted at him.

I angrily got up and snatched my math book from the ground as it fell when Wolfie decided to fling my backpack away and made my way over to my bag and picked it up and zipped it up. I heard heavy paws as I got up from my kneeling position but I chose to ignore it knowing that it was the wolf. I spun around and glared at the wolf and he glared back at me. He seemed very irritated about something but I ignored it and took two towards my house but stopped when I heard a growl. 

I looked back at him in surprise but I don't have time to anything else because Wolfie jumps on me, I fall down and land on my butt and the wolf pushes my shoulders down. His pounce was not that hard and did not hurt at all, I think he meant to be playful. 

I tried to push him off me but he bent down and licked my face. What he hell he was trying to do? I didn't know. I shot my hand up to my face and wiped the saliva with my sleeve furiously. After I finished wiping it furiously I looked into his golden eyes and it was filled with amusement?

"Get off of me! I have shit to do that doesn't involve you." I said as I pushed at his chest to make him go away. 

He growled at me.

"Wolf, get off and stop growling at me because it's beginning to scare the crap out of me" I said. I was surprised that my voice was firm but I was dying to get back in to the safety of my house.

A wild looking blazed his eyes and his mouth pulled back into a snarl, showcasing all his sharp canines. Fear took over me but before I could act on the emotion. He slammed his head onto mine and I was out in an instant.

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