FOURTEEN: Dinner à la Microwave

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FOURTEEN: Dinner à la Microwave

So much can happen in a week. For example: Everyone finding out your boyfriend is Josh Waters. Cas acting as if he hadn't kissed you last Friday every time he was with Scarlett. Your friend dating the bad boy, who stopped being so bad every day he spent with her...and your mom leaving for two days to go catch up with friends, leaving you with your brother in charge. Who, by the way, was still blackmailing. Not only did I have double chores, but I also had to do everything he asked.

It was Friday afternoon after school, and I had just gotten off the bus after saying goodbye to Adriana and Maribel when Josh appeared at my front door.

"Mind if I stop by to say hello to your mom?" He asked.

I rolled my eyes. I couldn't believe he thought my mom was really nice. Even after she had shown him photos of me! That was just cruel!

"Um, actually, she's away for a little vacation....and my brother's at work." I shrugged.

Josh nodded and looked at the house one last time before starting to walk away.

"Uh! Wait! Josh, maybe you'd like some, um, dinner à la microwave?"

Josh's face lit up and he nodded eagerly, like a five-year-old who'd just been offered candy. Once inside, I popped hot pockets in the microwave and we watched our dinner go round and round on the glass plate. After we had eaten the cheesy food, we sat on the living room couch.


"I don't understand. So, first Dean Winchester didn't believe in angels and now this angel with the same name as Cas appears? Well, okay, his name is Castiel, but still. That's weird." Josh commented as we watched Supernatural.

I shrugged and yawned. It had been such a tiring week. So much gossip and drama. I was so not used to it. Now that Adriana wasn't with Logan Aaron anymore, Genesus left me alone but she still gave me dirty glares. And now that I was with Josh Waters, I had even more enemies. Random girls would bump into me or accidentally trip me. Well, at least I knew who liked him.

"You tired?" His soothing voice asked.

I almost felt the urge to close my eyes just listening to him talk. I still couldn't believe my mom was happy I was dating. I mean, of course she still checked on my grades, but overall, she was happy with Josh and left me alone. And weirder yet, she hadn't asked about Cas anymore.

"A little bit." I replied at last.

So Josh wrapped his arm around me and we snuggled up on the couch watching Supernatural.

"Hey, Alexis?" Josh asked once we had watched five episodes of my favorite show.

"Yeah?" I asked, looking up at him.

"I just wanted to say I'm glad you're my girlfriend..." His voice became ragged at the end.

"You sound sad." I commented.

"No! I'm just...surprised you want to be with me. Other girls always try to find a way to dump me once they're with me."

I didn't know what to say. What was I supposed to say, anyways?

"Oh. Well, I'm surprised you want to be with me. You're my first boyfriend so..."

Josh looked at me incredulously and raised his eyebrows.

"You're kidding? I'd think you would be a heart breaker."

I burst out laughing and couldn't stop. I was gasping for air and Josh had to thump my back. As far as I was concerned, I had never laughed this hard in my life. Maybe I would've laughed all night if Josh hadn't made me face him and then kissed me. That stopped my obnoxious giggling. His hands gripped my shoulders and then eventually went to my back. I leaned in and actually felt brave enough to wrap my arms around his neck. It was even better than I had imagined! It was an inside-melting experience. This time, it wasn't fireworks in my chest, it was explosions wanting to escape, making me feel crazy emotions. Soon, the kiss turned into a kissing frenzy. We were practically smashed together on the couch. Everything was going smoothly until...

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