Chapter Eight: The Super Amazing Zombie Project: Day 1

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(A/N) Omg! I'm so happy I've got way more followers and votes! Thanks sooo much guys! I feel all warm and tingley! :3 Ok ok I know your not here to read my rants and opinions or cheesy lines so here's Chapter Eight!  (Oh and for you people who think this is a "Love triangle" story YOUR WRONG SO SUCK ON YOUR WRONGNESS! This is a funny story about a girl with a dream to be successful on Youtube and will have friends that love her cause her parents abandoned her! So yeah.. And she does comedy week with a ton of Youtubers!) 

      "Die! Die, Die, Die you disgrace to society!" The three of us were playing a 'friendly' game of Pokemon. When I say 'friendly' I mean brutally murder each others Pokemon and then try to make the game let us chuck a Pokeball at our opposing trainer. We aren't nerdy at all.. 

     "Stupid Groudon! Just die already! Come on Kyogre use Water Spout!" My arms were flailing in the air with every move I made on Dan's stupid Groudon that kept murdering my Kyogre like in their epic battle. Phil had killed me quite a few times with Mewtwo (Honestly I don't know how the hell he captured that thing!) I'm not jealous at all.. 

   "Kyogre shalt never defeat the almighty Groudon! Eat my Earthquake!" Dan protested. 

       "What the hell man? Earthquake is going to hurt you as well!" 

  "Not very effectively though because its a rock type move on a rock type lengendary. So mwahaha! Meanwhile though Kyogre is choking on my rocks! So suck it!" He gloated around while my Kyogre was at only a few HP left. Damn you Dan! 

       I'm starting to really hate Pokemon. 

  'Groudon used Earthquake. Its super effective!' The screen read at the bottom of my DS.

    "Blah blah blah its super effective." I mimicked in an irritated voice that sounded nasally.

           "Well someone's a poor sport!" Dan eyed me with a creepy look. Phil was laughing at us while he watched Buffy the Vampire Slayer on the chair whilst Dan and I were sprawled on the couch in weird positions, yelling curse words at each other like the civil people we are. 

     "You two sound like your killing off the whole Kingdom! Or in a Zombie Apocalypse, which, I guess, is good practice for this afternoon." Phil babbled. 

   "Oh crap! We have filming today! I totally forgot! Are we assigning a part to our self or are you two going to assign them to us? Since your the people in charge." Looking up from my battle I asked the guys.

       "Well, I'm pretty sure we are going to suggest who should play which parts but in the end you can decide what you'd be a good part for." Phil explained. "What time are the Youtubers arriving again, Dan?" 

       "They'll be here around 1ish." 

    Dan looked back to his DS as well as I, brutally trying to murder each other. His Groudon was about to kill my Kyogre for good. 

      "Screw it! I'm bringing out a different Pokemon!" My eyes scrunched together, frustratingly. 

         Looking through my Pokedex of Pokemon that were ready to battle I chose Electivire. He's not as strong but I have a strategy to use with him. *Insert winky face here* 

      "Really? Electivire? What's he going to do, shock me?" Dan laughed. 

         "Well your shocked that I brought him out so I'd say he's doing a pretty good job." I smirked wickedly at him. Dan just rolled his eyes. The first move I made was thunder. 

      'Electrivire used Thunder. It's paralyzed Groudon.' The screen read. Haha! My plan is working! 

  "You've got to be f***ing joking!" Dan wailed, picking a move that wouldn't even work because he's paralyzed. Mwahaha!

      'Groudon is unable to move.' 

   "Haha! My evil plan is working!!" My eyes creepily widened and stared at Dan who was looking slightly terrified. Tilting my head to the side, I made Dan shift uncomfortably. 

    After Dan's move didn't work I used Giga Impact on him which damaged him fairly enough so I could just paralyze him again and keep attacking whilst he can't move. My strategy is genius! 

      "Holy shit! Are you serious! Your just going to keep paralyzing me and hurting me like a pimp! Man up and fight!" Dan complained with a slight smile tug at his lips at my strategy. 

   "If you haven't noticed, I am fighting and I'm kicking your ass! Sucka!" My tongue stuck out at him in a joking way to rub it in his face. 

      All of a sudden the door burst open. "It's Peeeeewwdiepie!" Pewd announced in his Swedish accent. We were all startled at first. 

    "What are you bros up to?" Pewd asked standing next to Phil's chair. 

  "Well, I'm watching Buffy the Vampire Slayer!" Phil announced. "And they are playing a brutally horrifying game of Pokemon." 

     "Why yes, yes we are." Dan looked up with a smirk. Although, I was focused on killing his stupid Groudon slowly and painfully while he suffers from being Paralyzed and attacks! 

         "Die! Die, Die, Die! Die!!!" I war cried in a chant. Pewd's laughed at me and Dan and Phil gave me a shrug like I do this all the time. 

   "Especially her. This little one is the most brutal." Dan gave me a nugie to the head and pin locked me in his arms while doing it. Pewd's came strolling over to the couch and plopped down next to the pin locked, trapped under Dan's armpit, me. Surprisingly his pits smelled like a Manly deodorant. His shirt smelled of fabric cleaner and his arm was the smell of fresh soap. Is it weird I'm smelling him? No? Ok. 

     Stop talking about Dan's armpit that is wrong and dirty. 

  The clock read 12:49 so Pewd was the first here and a tad early. Dan had finally let me free from the hell under his pit while Phil was laughing at me. The jerks! 

      Why is it that I don't really want to film today? Just lay in bed watching movies with a cup of coffee and some Oreo's. 

         "Well once everyone gets here we should go to that Alley we found, Dan." Phil suggested for our filming area. Dan slightly nodded in agreement. 

       "ALOHA!" Anthony burst through the door quoting Stitch. Ian was right behind him with a weird look on his face. Ladies and Gentlemen Smosh has arrived. 

    "Anthony! Ian!" Pewd ran over to his buddies and bear hugged them. This calls for an 'Awww' moment. Jenna was laying on the couch, Ryan was hanging with her. Justine was with Jamie, Jack and Finn were doing some weird crap with Damon that I cant even explain where they were balancing stuff on their head. Oh Jack and Finn. I worry about them sometimes, ya know? 

    "OK EVERYBODY LISTEN UP! OR I'LL KILL YOU!" We all turned our heads in slight fright until we saw that Phil was the one who yelled it. Then we all were terrified. 

        "Phil is that you?" Dan asked in a innocent little voice with horror rung through his tone.

   "No it's almighty Voldemort!" Phil declared. Wow this didn't get awkward really fast.. 

     "Ok now that I have everyone's attention Dan and I will be leading you to a mysterious alley! That's where we'll be filming!" Phil announced. Everyone gathered in a big group and went out to the hallway and to the lift where we all crammed inside. 

    Dan and Phil lead the Youtuber's down the street about 4-5 blocks. Until we stopped at a an alley way that looked like an abandoned little parking lot.  A perfect scene for a Zombie Apocalypse. 

       Dan and Phil had their camera's around their necks along with Me, Jack and Finn. We all set them down on the ground next to a dumpster which was up against a graffiti wall. Once the equipment was placed down Dan and Phil turned to everyone. 

     "So, this is how this will go down. We are going to suggest which part you should play in this Comedy Week film but, you may also decide if you don't like our suggestion." Dan explained. 

            "Also, Bailey is our assistant in our choices as well. We're are also going to need a helper with editing when we are done filming this week. So, who would be interested in that?" Phil added. Ryan's hand slowly raised. 

      "Yeah?" Phil called on him. 

   "I'd be interested. If you you want. I've been told I'm a good editor." Ryan said with a shrug. He is a good editor, his video's have good filming and cut out's in them. 

      "Great. Well, that's covered. Lets get filming!" Phil did his hand danced whilst everyone cheered. 



         "I can't believe we're zombies! This is so awesome!" I did a little happy dance similar to Snoopy's with Phil. We both got chose to be zombies for two reasons. One, we both have really pale skin. Two, we begged Dan for 10 minutes straight on our knees hugging his feet in desperation. Finally Dan gave in to irritation and let us be zombies. We were zombies along with Ian, Anthony, Chris, Finn, Jesse and Jamie. Charlie was playing the innocent guy walking that the zombies were going to attack. Pewd, Shane and Jenna were going to be the Zombie killers with guns, Justine and Jeana were going to be the dumb blondes in distress, Dan was going to be the doctor, Damon, Ryan and Jack were going to be the other people that hear Charlie yelling and try to help him. That was our cast.  

       After three hours of setting up scenery, doing makeup, and getting into costumes we were ready to shoot, The Super Amazing Zombie Project: Day 1. We had the five camera's set up around the alley, ready to record. 

       The first scene is Charlie running into the Alley trying to get away from the cops. So we had him run in on cue looking flustered. Whilst he ran we had a cop car siren sound affect going off. He stopped and took a breather as we put in the script then he heard moaning. Moaning from us. The zombies. That was our cue to start slowly walking in a stumbling, dead manner towards Charlie. His face looked terrified. Phil, Chris, Ian, Anthony, Finn, Jesse and I came towards him creepily. Thanks to Justine and her friend our makeup looked insanely real along with the costumes they made for us that were ripped clothes with green and red stains on them. 

          "Uhhhhhh." We all moaned in sync coming closer to Charlie who was slowly backing up to the wall. 

      This was Jeana and Justine's cue to come. 

  "So I was all like, Yeah! Of coarse I'll come to the party! I mean who wouldn't if he asked a girl? Right?" Justine said in a valley girl accent. Jeana nodded smacking her gum before letting out a terrified squeal as they walked into the alley and saw the zombies. 

      "Omg! Zombies! Run!" Jeana squealed. 

  "I can't I'm in my new heels!" Justine complained. All the zombies looked towards her as we started to move away from Charlie and towards them. 

       "And, CUT!" Dan yelled turning off the camera that was recording that scene. 

   Everyone stopped and mostly started to laugh. Charlie was chuckling at his acting even though he makes short films all the time. Chris started to dance in multiple dance moves even a zombie-like dance move. What a clown. 

      "We should celebrate the first day of filming!" Pewd suggested. 

  "Shouldn't we on the last day?" Dan asked. 

      "Yeah that too! Partaaayyy!" Pewd cheered. Everyone laughed. Dan rolled his eyes but said that it was a good idea.  



       "Cheers!" Anthony raised his cup and everyone clanked it. Jamie and I had lame soda because we were under aged. Jamie was 17 I'm pretty sure whilst I was 19. 

          "You do know that in the UK you can drink when you turn 18, right?" Phil asked. 

    "I can?" I asked back with a hint of excitement. 

      "Yes." Phil laughed. 

    "Awesome! In America it's when you turn 21! Whoo I get to drink!" I cheered. 

        "Lucky!" Jamie gasped. Yup. She must be 17. 

     I raced over to the bar dragging Dan and Phil with me. They were being pulled by the grip I had on their wrists. The bartender smiled at me warmly. Then he looked at Dan and Phil worriedly. 

    "Don't worry they're my best friends. I'm not kidnapping them." I chuckled explaining to the bartender. He laughed. 

    "What can I get you?" He said in a deep accent. Woah. 

       "That's what I brought these retards to help me with." He laughed again. 

    "Hey!" Dan and Phil complained from behind me. They had been mock offended. 

       "Ok retards. Which drink should I get?" I asked. Dan and Phil whispered to each other before turning to me.  

     Dan turned to the bar tender and ordered me a drink I couldn't even pronounce. The bar tender whipped it up, flipping the bottle to impress me and poured it. Then slid it to me. I thanked him and piggybacked on Phil back to our table whilst Dan held my drink. Phil set me down and I pouted, sitting back down. I was sat in between Dan and Phil whilst Charlie, Chris and Damon were sat across from us. Next to Damon was Jamie and next to Jamie was Pewd followed by Anthony and Ian. Next to Charlie was Ryan and next to Ryan was Jenna followed by Justine and Jeana. Across from Jeana was Jesse and then next to Dan was Jack and next to Phil was Finn. Shane was on the dance floor with Joey who he invited. Shoey moment! 

      When Joey was invited I was squealing like crazy and Dan had to shove a bread stick in my mouth to stop me. The bread stick was actually really good. 

     "Care to dance with your retards?" Dan asked holding out his hand with Phil. Smiling, I nodded. A stupid blush crept onto my face. We all knew we were horrible dancers so we just joined into a circle thingy and spun around and spread in and out. Then we did Phil's hand dance. Then Dan showed us this weird dance where you fist pump and act all retarded. We were the most awkward people in the club. 

         While we were dancing I caught a glimpse of a pair of TOMS I recognized walking this way through the crowd. Along with a familiar pair of Converse. The TOMS were blue and white with a 'L' on the side of them and a smiley face beside it. The Converse were grey and white that could be anybody's but, I knew they were the person I knew when I saw the trousers and black V neck shirt they were wearing.

        Then the nightmare of a devil was standing right in front of me, smirking. 


 Ooooooooooo who do you think it is?? Reply down in the comments! Soooo sorry for not updating! I was busy on Thursday and on Friday I saw This is Us at night and had Art Camp and on Saturday went shopping for school clothes with my family and my BFF and her family! So yeah! Dont kill me! Hope you like this chapter! 

  Question of the day: What Youtubers do you want to see more of? Or if I haven't even mentioned a Youtuber what one should I add to the story? 

  RANT: THIS IS US WAS FREAKING AMAZING! 3D WITH IT MADE ME FEEL LIKE I WAS ACTUALLY WITH THEM OR AT THEIR CONCERT WHEN THEY SHOWED THEM ON STAGE! I loved it soooooo much!!!!!!!! If you havnt seen it GO WATCH IT YOU RETARDS!! Ok your not retards but seriously my Unitatoes go watch it. Like now. If you have seen it YOUR AMAZING!! 








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